Why are baby walks so important?

April 19 2021

Walk with the baby is an activity important not only for his health and physical development, but also for the psychophysical condition of his parents. It sets the rhythm of the day for a toddler and plays a significant role in the process of getting to know the world in which the parent should be both a wise guide and a foreseeing guardian. 

Walking is the simplest form of physical activity that a child does resistance to changes in temperature and various weather conditions, it builds him condition and provides him with the necessary for proper development sunlight dose, stimulating the production of vitamin D.

For a parent, a walk with a child is also a valuable form of activity for his health and, what is important, a break from home duties, focus only on his beloved toddler and the world around him, to which the baby should be introduced wisely and responsibly.

Walks with a baby - from the porch to the first steps

The beginning of this first life journey into the world are walks with a baby. Many mothers ask if it is possible to go for a walk with their baby in the first or second week of life. Experts emphasize that if the weather conditions are not extremely unfavorable, i.e. there is no severe frost, storms or downpours, walks with an infant can be started even in the first or second week of his life, so in the period when our baby is still a newborn.

Dorota Lewandowska

A nurse in the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

The preliminary stage is the so-called verandah - the name obviously comes from the veranda, i.e. a built-up terrace or porch in country houses or villas, where the temperature is usually slightly lower than in living quarters. We dress the baby as if it were going for a walk and put it with the pram on the porch, porch or covered balcony. If we do not have such a cooler space - we just open the window in the room and let the baby temper under our watchful eye.

We start with 10 minutes, then extend the verandah to 30 minutes on the following days. So prepared, the little one is ready to conquer the world. We don't have to ask if you can go for a walk with the baby - it has already been there.

When to go and when not to go - walk after vaccination

Walks with an infant should take place at regular times of the day - so as to determine the rhythm of his activity. In the first months of life, an infant may completely sleep during a walk, but when it is a few months old, it is better if it is active during the walk, at least for some time. Walking with a baby is a form of getting to know the world, even if initially the baby experiences it only lying down. Sounds, voices, changing colors and light - all this is very important for cognitive processes.

Many mothers wonder if it's okay to go for a walk with their baby when their little one has an infection or is vaccinated. The most important contraindication to going for a walk with a child is its increased temperature - both due to infection and due to vaccination.

Dorota Lewandowska

A nurse in the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

A walk after vaccination or with a slight infection - contrary to popular belief - is even advisable, as it supports the immune processes taking place in the child's body after receiving the vaccine. However, if the reaction is elevated temperature, it is better to postpone the walk after vaccination and carefully observe our child and his defense reactions. Let's also remember about ourselves and our health. Is it possible to go for a walk with a child when I am sick - many mothers wonder. The answer in such a situation is simple - of course not.

A walk with the baby: time and commitment are more important than gadgets

A walk with a child is also a practical matter, of which there are many: what truck (of course, safe and comfortable for the child and his future posture) what cloth (preferably "on the onion", so as not to overheat or cool the baby), what luggage (of course, all the necessary accessories: a spare nappy, something to drink, a pacifier - if the child uses it, a nappy cloth that can be used as a sun protection, a cloth, etc.) toys (practical in walking situations and child-friendly) what cosmetics (a barrier cream with a filter is enough).

All these gadgets are needed and make it easier for us to walk with an infant, and then with a slightly older child. The most important thing, however, is our commitment. A walk with your baby should be time for him alone. Of course, we can go out sometimes in the company of a friend or make the necessary phone call. However, in order for daily walks to be effective, it must not look like a bored child is trapped in a stroller and the parent is sitting next to a bench, absorbed in conversation or, worse, playing on the phone.

Children on a walk - let's help them discover the world

Children on a walk are little explorers - first they get to know the smells, sounds, and different weather conditions. Then, in the period when they see more, but do not speak or walk yet, they listen to what we say to them, and they will know what we are showing them.

Each walk with a child can be a great discovery of the world - even if this world is only a square under our block at the beginning. We should talk to our child and treat a walk with the child not only as the next point of the day and an opportunity to arrange small purchases in small shops (supermarkets are the last place for a child that is worth choosing), but as a common, unusual time.

When the child begins to walk and talk, our commitment should be even greater, because we must protect the child from falls and injuries, and at the same time use the opportunities encountered to practice his speech. The next milestone is the child's socialization - children on the walk will have their first meetings, contacts, and first attempts at play. In all these stages of getting to know the environment, we should accompany the child - both as his guardian, guide and teacher.

Daily walks - effects they will surprise us

Specialists agree that it is worth taking daily walks, the effects of which affect not only the well-being of the child and its parents. Regular walks strengthen the resistance to infections and support the proper development of our child's motor skills. When we go out for daily walks, we also see effects in cognitive development - in perceiving objects, people and phenomena, practicing speech, socialization, and learning causes and effects.

It also the development of the bond between parent and child. If we are a wise guardian and walking companion, and at the same time a teacher and guide for a baby, we will maximize the effects, and daily walks will become a source of satisfaction with the child's development and unforgettable experiences that strengthen our love.

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Dorota Lewandowska

A nurse in the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Institute of Mother and Child


Dorota Lewandowska

A nurse in the Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Institute of Mother and Child

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