Pregnancy Calendar

Is the 37th week of pregnancy a premature birth? Could lower abdominal pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy be a sign of labor commencing? How do I find out what to pack for the hospital? What is the weight of the baby at 37 weeks of pregnancy and what does a little man look like in mom's belly? If you are interested in the course of the 37th week of pregnancy, read on.

37 weeks pregnant: delivery is just around the corner!

If a woman started 37 weeks of pregnancy (36.1-37 tc) it means that she is in the 9th month, which is the last stage of the third trimester. Childbirth can occur at any time, as only 5% of babies are born on the date calculated on the basis of the date of the last menstruation.

Physiologically, the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but after the 37th week of pregnancy is completed, it is officially considered full-term, and babies born at this time are no longer premature babies.

The bag for the delivery should be ready and hidden in an easily accessible place, known to all members of the household. In the 37th week of pregnancy, it is worth collecting the latest test results, blood groups and pregnancy card in one place. If you are wondering what exactly to pack in a bag for yourself and your newborn baby, a list of all accessories and clothes necessary for a given hospital can be found on its official website, in the appropriate tab. You will also see a list of test results necessary for admission to the hospital.

If at 37 tc you are seriously considering epidural anesthesia (administered in the second stage of labor), on the website of the selected facility make sure your hospital carries them out. There you will also find information about the methods of relieving labor pain proposed by a given institution (e.g. TENS currents or administration of nitrous oxide - the so-called laughing gas) and about alternative options for delivery, e.g. water birth. It is worth finding out in advance what the hospital has at its disposal.

37 weeks of pregnancy: ultrasound pictures, baby's appearance and its movements in the mother's belly

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus measures approximately 47-50 cm and resembles a slightly slimmer newborn, which we associate from photos and videos. We can clearly see the child's face, hands or legs during an ultrasound examination, especially the one made with the 3D or 4D technique.

Jwhat does the baby look like at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

He has more or less lush hair on his head (it is genetically determined), plump cheeks, eyelashes and eyebrows, and small, brittle nails on his feet and hands. During this period, the child uses his energy mainly for sleep and improving the skills needed after childbirth, such as:

  • suction;
  • swallowing;
  • blinking;
  • respiration;
  • or urination.

Baby movements in the 37th week of pregnancy are limited due to the small amount of space in the uterus. The child should be anxious for several hours, even when the pregnant woman eats a meal and lies down to rest. The abnormalities in the well-being of the fetus may also be evidenced by its unnaturally increased activity. Significantly abnormal movements of the baby in the 37th week of pregnancy should be consulted with a doctor when going to the hospital. 

The weight of the child at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Just before giving birth, every pregnant woman is very interested in how much the baby weighs in her belly. Many women try to compare their baby with others by searching the Internet for information on what the baby's weight should be at 37 weeks of pregnancy. A forum of many parenting sites can provide ambiguous answers. Some of them arouse in the expectant mother unfair fears.

Instead of looking for information on internet portals about your child's development, it is best to talk to the doctor in charge of your pregnancy. He will most accurately determine the baby's weight at 37 weeks. The centiles (standardized percentile grids) will allow him to tell if the baby is gaining weight at the right pace.

Woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy: lower abdominal pain and predictive contractions

When looking for information on the 37th week of pregnancy, the forum of many parenting portals is full of questions about the course and harbingers of the beginning of childbirth. Many women during this period complain of pain in the lower abdomen, especially around the symphysis pubis. The uterus lowers and the baby's head slowly enters the birth canal, so pressure on the symphysis, and even abdominal pain at 37 weeks gestation for menstruation are symptoms that should not be alarming.

Worth finding a comfortable position in which discomfort is the least, and remember that if labor does start, the pains in the lower abdomen will not go away even after prolonged rest. Many pregnant women also worry that at 37 weeks of pregnancy, a hard belly is a symptom of the beginning of labor. Such a symptom is completely natural at this stage of pregnancy. You don't have to rush to the hospital right away.

If you are concerned that you have a hard stomach at 37 weeks of pregnancy, there could be several reasons for this. First of all, such sensations can provoke predictive (Braxton-Hicks) contractions, which mean the uterus is preparing for the actual delivery. They are irregular, cause only discomfort (not severe pain) and gradually disappear with rest. They are not accompanied by other symptoms of the commencing labor. If the abdomen hardens more than 8 times a day, you should rest more and report these symptoms to your doctor at the next visit.

Symptoms of childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy

You already know what the predictive contractions look like, which many pregnant women mistake for the first stage of labor.

Delivery at 37 weeks of pregnancy is not considered premature, so if the delivery actually occurs at this time, you do not have to worry about your and your newborn's well-being.

Of course, it is best if she stays in mum's womb up to 40 tc, but a baby born in 37 weeks of pregnancy is usually fully prepared for independent functioning.

So how do you know when labor is about to begin?

A pregnant woman may observe:

  • regular, painful uterine contractionsthat do not go away despite resting or taking a warm shower;
  • intervals between contractions they become shorter and shorter (at the beginning they occur every 10-15 minutes, and then even every 3-5 minutes);
  • contractions may radiate to the loins and groin, temporarily preventing the woman from talking or even collecting her thoughts.
What are the symptoms of childbirth in the 37th week of pregnancy?

In addition to the symptoms indicated above, the following may occur:

  • Detachment of the mucus plug it may occur a few days or even 2 weeks before the onset of proper labor (sometimes the plug will not break off at all). So it is not a direct symptom of labor, but a signal that it may begin any day.
  • There is also oozing or more rapid drainage of the amniotic fluid.
  • It can also appear in a pregnant woman diarrhea and / or vomiting.
  • If at 37 weeks of pregnancy contractions they appear regularly every 5 minutes, go to the hospital.
  • We urgently go to the maternity ward also when it has happened greenish amniotic fluid, occurs bleeding from the genital tract, the pregnant woman complains of severe headache, high blood pressure i sudden gastric discomfort (this may indicate, among others, fetal hypoxia or pre-eclampsia).

Examination at 37 weeks of pregnancy

During the visit to the office, the doctor will assess the latest results of blood counts, general urine tests and perform an ultrasound, which will assess the well-being of the fetus and the condition of the placenta. He will also perform a gynecological examination, during which he will examine the length of the cervix and its possible dilation.

If the ultrasound shows that the baby has still not turned its head down (the most optimal vaginal delivery is the longitudinal cephalic position), a surgical delivery may be necessary, colloquially known as a cesarean. At 37 weeks, the doctor will surely inform the pregnant woman about any indications for cesarean section.

Between 33 and 37 tc, additional tests should also be performed: HBs antigen, HIV, vaginal and rectal cultures (GBS); in women at risk, also VDRL and HCV tests. If they have not been commissioned earlier, now is the last time to complete them within the recommended timeframe.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


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