Pregnancy Calendar

Are you wondering: 35th week of pregnancy, which month is it? Could uterine contractions at 35 weeks of pregnancy mean labor is beginning? Can a premature baby from the 35th week of pregnancy breathe independently, without the support of medical equipment? If you are looking for answers to these questions and wondering what a baby looks like at XNUMX weeks of pregnancy, read on.

We dispel all doubts: 35th week what month is this?

There is not much time left until delivery. Therefore, people in the environment of a pregnant woman often wonder what month of pregnancy she is in, saying that she is just starting the 35th week of pregnancy (34.1-35 tc). It is the end of the 8th month, i.e. the third trimester of pregnancy.

As a reminder, a full pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, and a full-term pregnancy is considered to be from the beginning of the 37th week of pregnancy.

It is worth having already prepared a bag for childbirth, the content of which should also be known by a family member, e.g. the child's father, chosen as the companion at the family childbirth. In the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, in some facilities the possibility of an accompanying person staying in the delivery room was limited. From the 35th week of pregnancy, it is worth following this type of information on the website of the selected hospital, or by calling its information line.

Can the discomforts of the 35th week of pregnancy be avoided?

Burning heartburn, constipation and frequent urination can spoil the mood, which is also not improved by leg cramps, shortness of breath, back pain or rib pain. Some women experience these ailments more intensively, while others experience additional energy, driving them to the last shopping before giving birth..

Therefore, in the 35th week of pregnancy, the online forum for parents can surprise many, often extremely different, advice from future mothers. Most of these pregnancy conditions cannot be completely avoided, but can be relieved effectively. First of all, it is worth talking about them with your doctor and midwife. Advice of specialists can not be replaced by any opinion on the topic: 35 weeks of pregnancy ailments. The internet forum is often full of comments which, despite good intentions, in some cases may cause information confusion in the future mother and increase the feeling of anxiety.

Advice for 35 weeks of pregnancy

  • Certainly it is worth using at this time perineal massage, which helps minimize the risk of rupture and the need for an incision during childbirth. With the use of e.g. coconut oil or sweet almond oil, daily for 5 minutes. massage the area between the vestibule and the anus with circular movements of the fingers. In the 35th week of pregnancy, when your belly is big, you can ask your partner for help.
  • The child actively stores iron and calcium in its body, therefore, especially during this period of pregnancy, it is good to eat plenty of fresh, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, dairy products and offal, e.g. liver.
  • We also do not forget about vitamin C, which is necessary for iron absorption. You will find her, among others in paprika, kiwi or Brussels sprouts.
  • Also remember about moderate physical activity: in 35 weeks of pregnancy, walking and yoga during pregnancy will certainly help to relieve stress and prepare better for childbirth, both physically and mentally.

Should abdominal cramps and hardening be worrying at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

During this period, uterine contractions are most often caused by the preparation for labor. We call them Braxton-Hicks contractions, also called predictive contractions. They are irregular in nature, not increasing and disappear during rest. They can cause what a pregnant woman often describes as a hardening of the abdomen. In the third trimester of pregnancy, predictive contractions are a fully physiological symptom that should not be alarming (they are a signal to slow down a bit and rest).

Some women at this time also complain that in the 35th week of pregnancy there is pain in the abdomen for a period, which makes them afraid of preterm labor. This ailment may be caused by a stronger pressure of a large child on the area of ​​the pubic symphysis, which is also intensively affected by the relaxing. It is a hormone whose job is to relax the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis in order to prepare it for childbirth.

Remember, if uterine contractions increase, radiate strongly to the loins and groin, and their frequency increases even when you rest (more than 8 contractions a day), do not hesitate to go to a doctor who will perform a CTG test. Be sure to go to the hospital also when in the 35th week of pregnancy you notice: brown or bloody spotting from the genital tract, the mucus plug and amniotic fluid (especially greenish).

We are entering 35 weeks of pregnancy: what does the baby look like?

The little man, developing in the uterus, has the appearance of a newborn baby at this time, which we associate with family photos and videos. Therefore, preterm labor at 35 weeks of pregnancy brings into the world a baby only slightly thinner and smaller than those born at term. By this time, children's lungs are almost fully developed, however, some late premature babies born at this time will still require intensive care, including respiratory support.

What else does the baby look like at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

It has more or less lush on its head hairand on his face we can observe eyebrows and eyelashes. Babies during this period of pregnancy measure approx. 45-47 cm, but both the degree of body hair and its length are largely genetically determined. A toddler sucks his fingers, drinks amniotic fluid, and then pee into them (he urinates up to 0,5 l per day!).

In the 35th week of pregnancy, scientists also observed the first dreams (most often they concern what the baby knows, i.e. touch and sounds).

35 weeks of pregnancy baby weight: norms

In the third trimester, the fetus gains weight of approx. 200 grams per week, therefore, in the 35th week of pregnancy, it usually reaches a body weight of approx. 2,2-2,5 kg. What if your child deviates from these values? First of all, ask your doctor about this during your visit. In the 35th week of pregnancy, the child's weight has certain standards, which are included in the so-called percentile grids.

During an ultrasound scan, the gynecologist will be able to estimate the weight of the fetus. based on measurements such as:

  • circumference of the abdomen and head;
  • femur length.

If the weight is not within the optimal ranges for a given week of pregnancy, the specialist will certainly inform the future mother about it. If you still have any concerns about your baby's weight, please don't hesitate to ask additional questions.

Could the baby's movements be less intense in the 35th week of pregnancy? 

Each week, the toddler has less and less available space in the stomach, which is why he instinctively limits his physical activity. He sleeps a lot and trains other bodily functions, such as sucking, swallowing and breathing. Nevertheless, after your main meals and when you are resting, you should be able to observe your baby's movements at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Lie on your left side and start observing.

You should count about 10 baby movements in an hour. Sometimes, together with your family and friends, you can observe how the belly in the 35th week of pregnancy almost "comes to life", and under the skin of a pregnant woman you can see the movement of, for example, small feet or hands. Many future parents capture these unforgettable moments in a short film (with a filmed phone or camera), keeping it as a souvenir.

What tests should be performed in the 35th week of pregnancy?

The doctor will certainly recommend standard diagnostics in the form of blood count and general urine tests. Between 35 and 37 tc, the gynecologist will refer the pregnant woman to Additional studies:

  • HBS antigen;
  • HIV testing (if not ordered after 33 tc);
  • vaginal and rectal culture screening for B-hemolytic streptococci (GBS).

These are also the last weeks for consideration of recommended vaccinations during pregnancy: COVID-19, the flu, and whooping cough. The antibodies obtained after vaccination are passed on to the child by the mother using blood flowing through the umbilical cord.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


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