Pregnancy Calendar

Could my baby's movements be less noticeable at 34 weeks of pregnancy? Does the position of the baby at 34 weeks of pregnancy mean the same as the position of the fetus? How can women deal with the bothersome ailments of this period of pregnancy? Do babies born in the 34th week of pregnancy require an incubator? We invite you to read the post that will help answer these questions.

34 weeks pregnant: what month is it?

This week of pregnancy is often abbreviated by physicians as 33.1-34 tc The woman, 34 weeks pregnant, is 8 months, which is the middle of the third trimester. Childbirth is getting closer every day, that's good make a list of things or even pack a bag for the hospital, where the expectant mother will find everything she needs for her and the newborn baby.

Cord blood banking

In the 34th week, it is also worth making a decision regarding cord blood banking. It is collected using a special kit that is given to the midwife at the hospital in advance. The whole process is completely painless right after giving birth.

Cord blood is a kind of blood child protection, (and in some cases also for his immediate family) in the case of developing one of the 80 diseases in the treatment of which stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood are successfully used. Such blood can be stored in family (private) or public banks. The decision to download it should be made in advance, so the 34th week of pregnancy is a very good time to do it.

Ailments of the 34th week of pregnancy: how to deal with them?

In the middle of the third trimester, expectant mothers feel the size of their belly very much, which often makes everyday functioning difficult, e.g. tying shoes, lifting objects or changing body position. Additionally, in the 34th week of pregnancy, ailments such as:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • or back pain.

During the day, it is worth resting as much as possible (lying down, it is best to lie on your left side), eat smaller, healthy meals rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, and perform gentle stretching exercises, e.g. yoga for pregnant women. You can also go to a physiotherapist or osteopath who will professionally relieve your aching back.

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the breasts become more tender, slightly swollen, and sometimes the first breastmilk starts to leak out (the so-called colostrum), which should not be alarming. The body is slowly getting ready to feed the newborn baby. If the leakage of food is bothersome, you can put it in the bra special nursing pads, protecting clothes against dirt. You can buy them at most drugstores or pharmacies.

Could my baby's movements be less noticeable at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

During this time, the baby has less and less space in the mother's belly, and therefore significantly limits its activity. AThis individual temperament is also visibletherefore, the pregnant baby's baby may move a little more often than the friend's baby, who is at the same stage of pregnancy.

At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's movements may also be less noticeable to those who touch the mother's belly if the placenta is on the anterior wall of the womb. That is why the monitoring of the child's activity should always be carried out by the pregnant woman herself, who is able to define her own feelings most precisely. The family or future dad can join this process, e.g. by noting the baby's movements, at the signal of the pregnant woman.

From 30 tc children are most active between 09:00 and 21:00, especially after their mother's main meals. To closely observe your baby's movements at 34 weeks gestation, lie on your left side after one of the main meals and record your baby's activities. After 10 moves have been counted, you can stop observing. It is good to do this measurement of the child's activity 3 times a day.

What is the child's weight at 34 weeks: norms, and the position of the fetus in the mother's belly

The child usually weighs over 2000 grams during this period and measures approx. 45 cm. Both the baby's weight at 34 weeks gestation and its body length are largely genetically determined. If your friend or cousin had smaller, bigger or heavier babies in the same week of pregnancy, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. During regular visits to the gynecologist, he performs an ultrasound scan to check whether the development of the fetus is progressing properly. Then it also determines whether the baby's weight meets the appropriate standards at 34 weeks of pregnancy by comparing ultrasound measurements with percentile grids for a specific week of pregnancy.

By this time, most babies are in the head position in preparation for the upcoming delivery. If you are wondering what is the 34th week of pregnancy arrangement child, you are probably most interested in whether the buttocks or the pelvis are the leading part. So it is about the position of the baby in the uterus (ratio of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the uterus). Baby positioning is another medical term that tells us how the various parts of the baby's body are arranged in relation to each other, e.g. the head is bent or bent in relation to the torso. If the position of the fetus is still pelvic, know that it may still change, even up to 36-37 tc

Are contractions at 34 weeks of pregnancy a cause for concern?

During pregnancy, not every uterine contraction should automatically cause you anxiety. There are two basic types of contractions:

  • predictive;
  • childbirth (of which only the latter testify to the commencing / ongoing labor).

At 34 weeks gestation, the predictive contractions usually subside with rest and do not increase over time. Of course, they are associated with some discomfort (hardening or pressure in the lower abdomen), but they should not bother pregnant women. Predictive contractions are the natural activity of the uterus, characteristic especially for the third trimester of pregnancy.

Contractions and preterm labor

If, on the other hand, at 34 tc your contractions are very painful, regular and increasing, and are accompanied by bleeding, diarrhea or breakage of amniotic fluid, it is necessary to go to the hospital, because in may mean premature labor starting at 34 weeks of pregnancy. It very often affects women with multiple pregnancies. That is why doctors who conduct such pregnancies usually already around 30 tc inform future mothers about an increased risk of an earlier delivery. A premature baby born in the 34th week of pregnancy has a great chance of survival, but may still require intensive medical care, including respiratory support.

What does a baby look like at 34 weeks of pregnancy?

At that time, the child almost fully resembles newborns, which we associate with TV movies or visiting family / friends. To see your baby at 34 weeks pregnant, The ultrasound will be the only way to visualize the fetus. You can already clearly see the eyes, ears, nose and mouth on it, and if we are lucky on the monitor of the ultrasound machine, we will also see smile of a Child. To get the most realistic picture you can choose to execute 3D or 4D ultrasound (usually additionally payable).

A baby born 34 weeks pregnant, just like the one born on term, does not have fused skull bones. All this so that the head could more efficiently cross the woman's birth canal. As a result, some newborns may have a slightly flattened head and nose at birth. The shape of the skull should even out by a few weeks after giving birth.

Examination at 34 weeks of pregnancy

During this period of pregnancy, you should visit your treating physician approximately every 2 weeks. He will order routine tests such as: general urine test, or blood count. Don't be surprised if your obstetrician or midwife asks you questions about your mental state during this time. Between 33 and 37 tc, the risk of depression is estimated in a woman.

Additionally, in the middle of the third trimester, diagnostics such as:

  • HIV testing;
  • HBs antigen;
  • VDRL study;
  • HCV test (in women at increased risk);
  • assessment of pelvic dimensions;
  • examination of the mammary glands.

These tests may be ordered to the patient in the 34th week of pregnancy.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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