Pregnancy Calendar

Jwhat does the baby look like at the 31st week of pregnancy? What ailments on the 31st week of pregnancy may be experienced by future mothers, and how to effectively counteract them? Is preterm birth at 31 weeks of pregnancy a major threat to your baby? If you are wondering what is happening in the belly of a pregnant woman during this period, and you ask yourself: how can you support the future mother in this particular period, in this post you will find the necessary information.

Woman starts 31st week of pregnancy: which month is it?

Such doubts often occur to future daddies and the family and friends of the pregnant woman. The thirty-first week (30.1-31 tc) is the 7th month of pregnancy, which is the first month of the third trimester of pregnancy.

A full, full-term pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters, each of which is 3 months long. Together it gives us the number of 9 months.

Due to the fact that in each, also in the 31st week of pregnancy, great changes occur in a woman and a child, we also usually divide the course of pregnancy into weeks. A full pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, and preterm labor after the 37th week is not considered. So, in the 31st week of pregnancy, childbirth is fast approaching. It is worth continuing preparations to consciously welcome your baby to the world.

Preparation for childbirth in the 31st week of pregnancy

Many future mothers begin to feel the so-called "nest egg syndrome" from the first months of pregnancy, but most women develop it in the third trimester. Scientists suspect that it may be related to a decrease in progesterone levels and an increase in oxytocin levels. Women fall into the fever of renovations, arranging a room for a baby, and buying the necessary accessories.

It is worth bearing in mind that the troublesome symptoms in the 31st week of pregnancy may intensify in the following weeks, so if the future parents have not had time to prepare a layette and prenatal education, it is good to start them now.

Talk to the midwife a lot, prepare a birth plan and practice proper breathing together with the baby's father, which will be helpful during the birthing process. While future fathers do not give birth, they can serve a sore, distressed partner with their support and advice taken from literature or childbirth school.

Ailments in the 31th week of pregnancy

During this time, pregnant women complain especially about:

  • lower back pain;
  • gastric problems such as heartburn, constipation and gas.

It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, eat more often but smaller portions, and avoid fatty and spicy foods. A diet rich in fiber can also help women who developed ailments such as hemorrhoids, i.e. anal varicose veins, in the 31st week of pregnancy. It is worth informing your doctor about them, who will suggest appropriate ointments and suppositories to relieve pain during defecation.

If all your shoes suddenly feel too tight, it could be due to swelling in your legs and increased levels of relaxation in your body. This hormone causes a gentle relaxation of the joints, especially in the future mother's pelvis, gradually preparing her for childbirth. In the thirty-first week of pregnancy, but also throughout the third trimester, relaxin acts on the entire body, including the feet of a pregnant woman, which are loaded with extra kilos. It is worth getting at least one pair of looser, comfortable shoes, e.g. sneakers.

The baby of the 31st week of pregnancy: location and appearance

The baby in the belly is not so small anymore. It measures approx. 39-44 cm, and its length depends, among others, on from genetic factors. The fetus also intensively gains adipose tissue, which is why it is getting tighter in the mother's uterus.

The movements of the baby at 31 weeks of gestation are often called "kicks" or "nudges" by expectant mothers because they become quite strong. Often you can already tell if the baby is moving the handle or the leg. From time to time, the outline of a small foot or a hand can be seen through the abdominal wall. Due to limited space, the baby is curled at 31 weeks of gestation: it has a rounded back, crossed arms and legs. He sleeps most of the day, activating most when mom eats or rests. Often during this period, his individual temperament begins to become visible: a calm thinker or rather the ubiquitous and lively little man.

The baby can still turn in the mum's belly, both to the head and pelvic positions. Looking for information on this subject, future mums usually use the phrase: 31st week of pregnancy - position of the baby, meaning its POSITION (head, pelvic, oblique or transverse). Fetal positioning is a slightly different medical term for how the various parts of the baby's body are arranged in relation to each other, e.g. the head may be bent or bent in relation to the torso.

31st week of multiple pregnancy

At 31 weeks of twin pregnancy, the little ones fidget and interact with each other. They poke each other and shove in mom's belly. Women with multiple pregnancies may already hear from their doctor that in their case, in their 31st week of pregnancy, premature birth may happen now, but also in the near future.

It's worth being positive in mind. Premature babies in this stage of pregnancy have an almost 100% chance of survival, but they still require intensive care in an incubator. However, it is good to have a bag ready for the hospital, both for yourself and for the children, and to collect all the necessary documents, tests and referrals in one place.

What should the baby's weight be at 31 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby is still growing and stretching her mother's womb more and more every day. Many daddies and moms are looking for information on the internet: 31 weeks pregnant baby weight forum for parents, needing support and advice from people who are at a similar stage of pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that during this period each baby develops in its individual, genetically determined rhythm.

Of course, the baby's weight at the 31st week of pregnancy also depends on environmental factors, such as the diet of the future mother or its anatomical conditions. If the doctor in charge of the pregnancy, during the last examination, did not have any objection to the baby's weight, there is no reason to be concerned even if the weight differs from that of a pregnant friend from work or from an internet forum.

31st week of pregnancy, the child's weight is normalized in percentile grids

The baby's body weight during pregnancy is compared by the doctor with the appropriate norms contained in special percentile grids. At the 31st week of pregnancy, the child's weight should fluctuate around 1700 grams, but it is strongly determined by the individual.

If you are concerned that your baby is developing too slowly or is too "lean" compared to its peers, share your concerns with your doctor in charge of your pregnancy. By making appropriate measurements during an ultrasound examination and based on her experience and percentile grids, she will certainly professionally answer any questions about the child's development.

Tests at the 31st week of pregnancy: ultrasound and other necessary diagnostics

In the third trimester of pregnancy, women visit their gynecologist on average every 3 weeks, unless a specialist recommends more frequent visits. Standard tests at 31 weeks of pregnancy include:

  • Ultrasound;
  • blood count;
  • general urine examination;
  • pregnancy weight measurement;
  • and her blood pressure.

It is worth remembering that between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy you should report for an important examination, i.e. third trimester ultrasound. If the expectant mother has not done it yet, the 31st week of pregnancy is the time to catch up. During the third trimester ultrasound, the doctor assesses not only the proper development of the fetus, but also the condition of the placenta, fetal water and the condition of the cervix. The specialist once again confirms the age of pregnancy. This is especially important in the case of women with irregular menstrual cycles, PCOS, or patients who have been diagnosed with inhibition of fetal development in the uterus and / or placental insufficiency.

In the third trimester, it is also worth considering a paid 3D or 4D ultrasound. Although it is not obligatory diagnostics, photos of the baby taken with these techniques during the 31st week of pregnancy will be a great memento in a family album.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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