Pregnancy Calendar

Twenty-ninth week of pregnancy - what month is it? Is the baby's weight high at 29 weeks of pregnancy? What is the position and position of the baby at 29 weeks of pregnancy and should your baby's poor movements during this period worry you? I invite all future mothers and their relatives to read the description of the course of the 29th week of pregnancy.

29 weeks pregnant: what month is it? 

The end of pregnancy and the happy moment of taking your baby into my arms is fast approaching! The 29th week of pregnancy (28.1-29 tc) is the 7th month, which marks the beginning of the third trimester of this unforgettable pregnancy period. Only 40 weeks are left until delivery, i.e. a full 11 weeks of pregnancy, but pregnancy is considered full-term from 37 weeks.

Since that time all the organs of the child are already prepared to function independently outside the womb.

Problems in the 29th week of pregnancy: the belly grows, the heartburn burns, and the legs swell

Every expectant mother goes through a slightly different pregnancy and this is completely normal. At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the mother's weight may show about 7-8 kg more than before conception, but how much you gain during pregnancy depends on several factors, including on your starting weight and the lifestyle you lead.

By the 29th week of pregnancy, the abdomen is quite large and on average increases its volume by about 1 cm per week. It is not for nothing. Mother came grows, because the baby in her belly is also gaining weight the most intensively now, getting ready to meet the world.

During the 29th week of pregnancy, the forum of many online portals is bursting at the seams since ailments, about which future mothers complain, among others:

  • heartburn (especially in the evening, lying down);
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the legs that makes it impossible to wear pre-pregnancy shoes;
  • or increased amount of vaginal discharge.

Proven methods for ailments in the 29th week of pregnancy


For heartburn, herbal infusions such as mint, chamomile or adding a little ginger and honey to warm water are recommended. In the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight causes the enlarged uterus to oppress e.g. on the stomach and intestines, so to avoid nausea and heartburn, it is worth eating more often, but smaller portions. It is also good to avoid fatty and very spicy dishes. If your gastric problems persist, discuss them with your healthcare provider who can offer mild, pharmacological solutions to the problems.

Swelling of the legs

In the 29th week of pregnancy, photos of expectant mothers often show their swollen legs as well. Here, it may be helpful to raise the lower limbs while sitting and lying down, e.g. legs on additional pillows or a chair.

Increased amount of vaginal discharge

When it comes to excessive vaginal discharge, you don't need to worry about them as they protect the uterus and baby from potential infections. If they have a slimy consistency and a slightly whitish color, you're fine. Wear cotton, airy underwear, and if necessary, use panty liners that you can conveniently change during the day. If your vaginal discharge has a strange color / smell at the 29th week of pregnancy and you feel itchy intimate areas, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

29th week of pregnancy: baby's weight and size

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a child's weight and body weight are heavily dependent on his unique combination of genes and environmental conditions. Therefore, each baby grows at this time in its own individual rhythm. Nevertheless, at the 29th week of pregnancy, the child's weight is within the norms and these are specified in the so-called percentile gridson the basis of which, during each ultrasound, the gynecologist determines whether your child meets certain standards.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor determines the weight of the unborn baby (EFW - estimated child's weight) quite roughly, guided by the length of the femoral and humerus bones, the circumference of the head and the abdominal cavity of the fetus. After marking the measurements on the percentile mesh, the gynecologist will inform the future parents if everything is okay with the child.

If you ask yourself: "We are already 29 weeks pregnant, how much does the baby weigh?" we are already prompting. The body of a baby in this period reaches approx. 1,30-1,40 kg, being approx. 39 cm long. 

Baby movements in the 29th week of pregnancy

During this time, the little man concentrates most of his efforts on sleeping and gaining weight. An appropriate layer of fat after birth is intended to provide a small body with basic thermal protection. The baby has less and less space in mum's belly. Therefore, his movements can feel solid by you nudgesespecially when you are still, e.g. you will sit or lie down. This is because when the expectant mother is active, the baby in her belly is cradled pleasantly and falls asleep. He wakes up when his mummy decides to rest.

Should you be concerned about your baby's poor movements at 29 weeks pregnant?

Due to the reduced amount of space in the uterus, the baby may limit his activity a bit + remember that he really sleeps a lot. From 28 tc you can count the movements of the fetus, preferably 3 times a day, after main meals. Lie on your left side (most desirable position) and start the countdown. Within an hour, the expectant mother should register 10 movements of the baby. If you can count the movements faster, you can end the observation before the full hour has elapsed. If your child's activity causes you great anxiety (lack of a specific frequency of movements or a large excess of them), always seek medical advice. 

Positioning the baby in the 29th week of pregnancy: we explain the difference between the position and the position of the fetus

When it comes to positioning the baby in the 29th week of pregnancy, by entering such a phrase on the Internet, future mothers usually mean the position of the fetus. They are curious if their baby's head is facing the birth canal (head position)or maybe the buttocks are the leading part (pelvic position). Remember that your baby may turn around (especially from a pelvic position), even several days before the due date. The location of the fetus may also be oblique and/ or transverse.

When we are talking about Fr. positioning the baby in the womb, we describe the ratio of parts of the fetus to each other, e.g. arrangement of the head bending and/ or bending.

If, in your 29th week of pregnancy, you experience lower abdominal pain from time to time, know that it can be caused by a slight pressure of the baby's head on the symphysis (gravity). If the symptoms are very painful, e.g. they resemble severe menstrual pain, be sure to consult a doctor.

We are already 29 weeks pregnant: what does the baby look like?

In the third trimester, many parents begin to wonder more and more who the baby will look like. More like a dad, mom, or maybe he will inherit his nose from his grandfather? In the 29th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan, especially the one performed, may be very helpful in visualizing the child's facial features more precisely in 3D technology, and even 4D. Not every gynecological office has the equipment to conduct such a multidimensional ultrasound examination, so before the visit it is worth checking whether it can be performed.

It is also worth knowing that 3D and 4D ultrasound is usually additionally payable, and sometimes its price is already included in the cost of a private gynecological and obstetric visit. The photo of the child taken during the examination allows to recognize his facial features, which is very valuable for future parents, especially daddies.

Performing such a three- or four-dimensional ultrasound examination in the 29th week of pregnancy will be a unique memento of the course of pregnancy, but you should know that it is not necessary for clinical reasons. In 29 tc it is also worth signing up or performing XNUMXrd trimester ultrasound examinationwhich, according to the recommendations of PTGiP, are carried out between 28 and 32 weeks.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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