Pregnancy Calendar

What are the ailments of the 23rd week of pregnancy and how can you deal with them? Expectant mothers - how much did you gain in 23 weeks of pregnancy? What influences weight gain? Is it worth trusting advice on online forums for parents? Is the infrequent movement of the baby during the 23rd week of pregnancy a cause for concern? If you are looking for information about the twenty-third week of pregnancy, this post is for you!

The end of the 23nd trimester, i.e. the XNUMXrd week of pregnancy - which month is it?

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life - each goes through it slightly differently, both in terms of physical and mental ailments, but all future mothers have one thing in common: each subsequent day brings them closer to meeting their baby.

So, the 23rd week of pregnancy, which month is it?

The pregnant woman is just starting the 6th month, ending the XNUMXnd trimester of pregnancy. The upcoming childbirth and mood swings induced by hormonal changes may cause fatigue and increase the anxiety and stress associated with childbirth and subsequent childcare. It is worth discussing your fears with your relatives and friends.

In the 23rd week of pregnancy (22.1-23 tc), however, a prolonged feeling of emptiness, helplessness and sadness should be reported to your attending physician, who may recommend meetings with a psychologist. Childbirth classes, which you and your partner enroll well, can also help to alleviate the fear of childbirth.

It is worth remembering that every pregnant woman is entitled to free antenatal education - you can use it at your midwife or, in the 23rd week of pregnancy, declare your willingness to participate in a childbirth school, which implements an educational program under the National Health Fund. There are also many private workshops, webinars and birthing schools - it is up to expectant parents to choose the location that best suits their needs.

A common question for moms-to-be: how much did you gain weight in the 23rd week of pregnancy? Is the abdomen already clearly defined?

Every woman wants to feel beautiful and attractive, so it is hardly surprising that the mother's weight in the 23rd week of pregnancy evokes so many emotions. Of course, the visual aspect and the well-being of the pregnant woman are important, but she should be aware of that the health of her and the fetus is more important here than excessive concentration on extra pounds.

However, you should not go to extremes and succumb to any pregnancy cravings, especially in the form of sweets, salty snacks and carbonated drinks. From time to time you can indulge in such "pleasures", but on a daily basis, the health and weight of the mother in 23 weeks of pregnancy will be easier to control by maintaining a nutritious, balanced diet in combination with moderate physical activity, such as walking or yoga for pregnant women.

Weight gain is not only about adipose tissue, but also:

  • the weight of the child himself;
  • uterus;
  • amniotic fluid;
  • or increased blood volume.
Many women ask themselves: how much should I gain in 23 weeks of pregnancy?

The speed of weight gain depends, among others, on from the pre-pregnancy starting weight of the pregnant woman. The higher the BMI (overweight and obesity), the lower the weight gain should be - for the health of the future mother and child. This is why the doctor and / or midwife scrupulously weighs the patient at each visit.

The size of the abdomen at 23 weeks of pregnancy depends on the anatomical structure of the pregnant woman, her lifestyle, the size of the fetus and whether it is the first pregnancy (in the case of the element, the abdomen usually grows slightly slower).

What ailments in the 23rd week of pregnancy are most often reported by women on the internet forum?

Pregnancy has its own rules and although each woman experiences it slightly differently, many similar symptoms of the 23rd week of pregnancy often appear in discussions on internet forums. During this time, many mothers-to-be have complained about severe back painespecially in the sacro-lumbar region. They are caused, inter alia, by changes in the curvature of the spine. A fairly large belly at 23 weeks of pregnancy begins to shift the body's center of gravity forward, which leads to the worsening of lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis. The tension in the paraspinal ligaments and muscles increases, which can lead to discomfort and even pain.

In the pregnant woman's body, an increased amount of the hormone is also released - relaxation, which is designed to gradually loosen the ligaments in the pelvic area, preparing it for childbirth. Such a muscular-ligamentous-fascial imbalance in a 23-week pregnant woman may find it difficult to change body position (also at night, which often makes it difficult to sleep), pain while walking and sitting, and even contributes to tension headaches.

It is worth contacting a qualified physiotherapist or osteopath who will help to equalize tensions in the body in order to best support the pregnant woman's body in preparing for childbirth. It should be remembered that on the internet forum in the 23rd week of pregnancy you can find a lot of support and make interesting acquaintances with other, future mothers, however, all disturbing ailments during pregnancy must always be reported to the appropriate specialists, in particular to the attending physician.

The appearance, physical activity and weight of the baby at 23 weeks of pregnancy

During this period of pregnancy, the fetus is gaining weight intensively, accumulating fatty tissue under the skin, which will be necessary for proper thermoregulation after birth.

So, how much does the baby weigh at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

Its mass is around 450-600 grams, and the total length of the body is approx. 28-30 cm. Due to the fact that every day the fetus has less and less space in the uterus, the expectant mother will feel its activity more clearly. If it is placed upside down, the baby's movement at 23 weeks of gestation may be felt very low as any kicks will be located there.

The fetus spends most of the day (up to 20 hours) in a blissful sleep, swayed by the mother's movements while walking and doing everyday errands. Therefore, on some days, you may feel your baby moving less frequently. When a pregnant woman sits down, lies down or eats something delicious, her movements in the 23rd week of pregnancy will become much more noticeable for her - the fetus receives a dose of nutrients through the umbilical cord, and the lack of swaying makes its nervous system demanding stimuli.

What does a baby look like at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

It resembles a classic newborn, which we associate with photos and videos, but much smaller and slimmer. J.the ego skin becomes more pink, eyes and ears react to visual and acoustic stimuli, and little hands and feet are actively kicking, stimulated by the maturing nervous system.

What tests are recommended at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

This week, you do not need to perform any specific tests, but you should come to the doctor's appointment before the check-up morphology blood and general urine test.

It is also worth taking care of registering for diagnostics, which is recommended between 21 and 26 weeks:

  • repeat testing of antibodies for toxoplasmosis (IgM);
  • and testing anti-D antibodies in women with the blood group Rh-;
  • in turn, between 24 and 26 weeks, you should report for a glucose load test (the so-called sugar curve).

W 23 weeks pregnant it is worth writing down all the necessary examinations in the calendar and registering for them in advance, so as not to miss any of the important dates.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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