Pregnancy Calendar

Are you looking for information on 19 weeks of pregnancy? You are counting the days, weeks and still not sure: Week 19 of pregnancy, which month is it? Do you want to find out what your baby looks like at 19 weeks of pregnancy and how much it can weigh at this stage of its development? Is the baby's movements already noticeable in the 19th week of pregnancy, and should the mother's belly be clearly large? We invite you to read our post and learn the most important information about this special stage of pregnancy.

19th week of pregnancy, which month and trimester is it? Is it a long time until childbirth?

Pregnancy - the 19th week means that the woman is in the 5th month of pregnancy, i.e. in the second trimester. There are still about 21 weeks left until delivery, so it's safe to say that almost half of the pregnancy is over - there is a lot to celebrate, so the future mother with joy and more energy can start preparing a room and a layette for her baby.

The nineteenth week of pregnancy (18.1-19 tc) is a great time not only to prepare for childbirth, but also to give a pregnant woman exceptional pleasure. With the birth of a child, her and her immediate family's life will change significantly.

Therefore, if the well-being and health of the pregnant woman allows it, it is worth:

  • go on a romantic vacation;
  • go to the hairdresser for a manicure;
  • go to the theater;
  • or arrange a date with your partner in your favorite restaurant or cinema.

If you are still wondering: "19 weeks pregnant, which month is it?" We remind you that the fifth - unique and exceptional, when the pregnancy becomes visible, but the size of the tummy does not yet interfere with everyday activities. If there are no medical contraindications, future parents can still enjoy sex, trips and sometimes just the two of them.

Heartburn, leg swelling and more vaginal discharge - let's talk about common ailments in the 19th week of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy for many women is a time of increased energy levels and fewer mood swings, although this is a very individual matter. It is important to listen to your body's needs and not overstrain yourself - if you are tired, lying down, especially on your left side, helps to relieve the symptoms of heartburn and back pain, which often begin to bother women in 19 weeks of pregnancy. If there is swelling and pain in the legs, it is worth lifting them slightly higher during rest, e.g. on a pillow or a small stool, use cool showers and pressure-free socks.

Increased amount of hormones, incl. progesterone and estrogens affect the congestion of the nasal mucosa and gums, which may lead to minor bleeding. It is worth replacing the toothbrush with an extremely soft one and taking care of thorough oral hygiene. Pregnancy - 19 weeks can also surprise a future mother rhinitis: This is a symptom that should not be alarming. If a runny nose occurs together with a sore throat, a feeling of general breakdown or an increased body temperature, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, who will assess the health of the future mother and baby and decide on possible treatment.

Many medications are not recommended during pregnancy, so you should not treat infections on your own.

In the 19th week of pregnancy they can also happen faintingwhich are related, inter alia, to with increased volume of blood circulating in the bloodstream, pressure of the uterus on blood vessels or fluctuations in sugar levels. Get up slowly from bed and chair, avoid bending over sharply and avoid foods rich in simple sugars. Inform your doctor about any fainting.

Pregnancy and her 19th week may also be full of odorless, translucent ones vaginal dischargewhich should also not be alarming. Wear looser clothes made of airy, natural materials and use panty liners if necessary. If vaginal discharge changes color and smell, it is worth informing your gynecologist or midwife who is in charge of the pregnancy.

What does the belly look like at 19 weeks of pregnancy and how quickly should the mother's weight increase?

Most women observe changes in their appearance with attention and curiosity. The abdomen at 19 weeks of pregnancy is already outlined - under the navel there is a clear rounding caused by the enlarging uterus, in which the baby is intensively developing. Most clothes, especially pre-pregnancy pants, start to get tight, so in order to ensure your comfort and not to put too much pressure on the fetus, you should consider supplementing your wardrobe with looser-cut clothing or maternity clothes.

In the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight should be approx. 4-5 kilograms greaterHowever, it is a very individual matter, related not only to the diet and physical activity of the pregnant woman, but also to her weight before pregnancy. The higher the initial body weight (determined by the BMI index), the slightly lower the increase in pregnant weight should be, and vice versa - if the woman was underweight before delivery, she should gain more weight during pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that extra kilos are not only fatty tissue, but also, among others, the increasing weight of the child in the 19th week of pregnancy, enlarging the uterus and increased by about 500 ml the volume of blood in the pregnant woman's bloodstream. Weight gain control helps prevent, among other things, gestational diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and reduces the risk of subsequent obesity in the child. At each visit, the gynecologist or midwife will check the weight of the pregnant woman and, if necessary, recommend appropriate dietary modifications. If, in the 19th week of pregnancy, a woman has problems with the proper balancing of a healthy, nutritious diet, it is worth consulting an experienced dietitian.

The weight of the child at 19 weeks of pregnancy, its appearance and activity in the uterus

The fetus is about 17-18 cm long and still has a lot of space in the uterus for increased physical activity. Where is the baby at 19 weeks of pregnancy? In fact, he is constantly changing the position in his mother's belly, waving his hands intensely, kicks, swallowing the amniotic fluid and then pee into it, training the muscles, organs and systems of his body. Such activity and growth are very tiring for a child, which is why it very often falls into a blissful sleep, especially when its mother moves, calming it down to sleep.

In the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are more and more noticeable as tickling or "gurgling" in the abdomen, but in the coming days and weeks the pregnant woman will be able to pick up some distinct kicks. The elements usually feel the activity of the fetus a little later than women in the next pregnancy, so if in the 19 week of pregnancy the movements of the baby are still unnoticeable, there is no cause for concern, especially if the attending physician does not find any abnormalities in the course of the pregnancy.

The skin of the fetus is then covered with nap (so-called lanugo) and fetal fluid, providing the child with, among others, additional protection against pathogens, moisturizing the skin and separating it from the uterine fluid environment. The child's weight at 19 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 230-250 grams. A doctor using percentile grids is able to determine whether the fetal weight is within the normal range - he will certainly inform future parents about it.

19 weeks of pregnancy - ultrasound pictures, or what does the baby look like?

Between 18 and 22 tc a very important diagnostic test is performed, which is the so-called Half-time ultrasound, i.e. ultrasound of the second trimester. InMany future parents decide to perform this ultrasound in the 19th week of pregnancy, because during this period the development of the sexual organs of the fetus makes it possible to identify the child's sex with a very high probability. Whether a woman is expecting a boy or a girl, and what the baby looks like in the 19th week of pregnancy are issues that interest parents and the closest family very much, but the second trimester ultrasound is primarily to determine in detail the correct development of the fetal anatomy and to detect possible birth defects, e.g. . cleft palate or heart defects.

In addition to in-depth diagnosis of the child's development, the doctor will also confirm the age of pregnancy, assess the condition and location of the placenta, amniotic fluid and the cervix. The examination lasts approx. 20-30 minutes, and its result is described in detail in the pregnancy documentation, which also includes detailed ultrasound pictures. In the 19th week of pregnancy, in addition to the half-time ultrasound, a complete blood count and urinalysis should be performed prior to the follow-up medical visit.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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