Pregnancy Calendar

Czy 17th week means another one has started month duration pregnancy? How much is child's weight and what it might look like stomach future mom in 17 weeks pregnant? What follows from USG - how big is the child when pregnancy will achieve 17th week? Could other changes be noticeable during this time?

Although your baby's weight and size continue to increase, the XNUMXth week of pregnancy does not make a big difference in symptoms. In general, it is also not particularly burdensome in this respect, which is confirmed by any forum for pregnant women. The expectant mother often feels good and notices an improvement in the condition of her skin and hair. However, it should be borne in mind that at this stage, he may also complain about the first stretch marks and problems with varicose veins.

17th week: what month is it?

At each stage, the age of pregnancy is counted in weeks, for greater precision by giving the number of weeks that have already passed in full and the number of days of the current week. In this notation, the 17th week of pregnancy starts at 16 + 1 weeks (i.e. 16,1) and ends at 17 + 0 (17,0) weeks. This is important not only for the mother-to-be, but above all for doctors, because they can assess whether the development of the fetus is normal or whether there are any reasons for concern at the 17th week of pregnancy. Especially that the actual age of pregnancy has already been estimated, not only on the basis of the date of the last menstruation, but also the ultrasound examination of the first trimester.

Relatives and friends often ask which month it is. The 17th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of a new - fifth - month and the continuation of the second trimester. 

17th week of pregnancy on ultrasound: what to expect?

Now that you know what month of pregnancy it is and what to expect from it, it's time for more details. The ultrasound examination in the 17th week of pregnancy shows that the baby is usually over 20 cm tall, from the top of the head to the buttocks, and weighs over 180 grams. It starts to be heavier than the placenta. During the examination, the slight structure of the fetus is noticeable, but this will soon change as fat begins to accumulate in the new organism. This means that soon your baby will gain weight much faster.

During the ultrasound in the 17th week of pregnancy, you can see how the fetus moves, and hear its heartbeat as it runs at about 140 times per minute. With high magnification, you could see that the child's body is covered with fluff and already has its own set of fingerprints. You can already feel the first, delicate movements of the fetus at this stage. The baby is very lively, he can swallow, suck his thumb and play with the umbilical cord. In total, 17 types of fetal movements are distinguished.

Gestational belly at week 17

Browsing any forum for pregnant women leads to the conclusion that at week 17, every expectant mother's belly looks different and it is difficult to make any comparisons - just like at other stages of pregnancy.

In the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman's abdomen may be visibly enlarged, but it does not necessarily have to be clearly visible from the outside. Some women will still be able to disguise it with loose clothing, although for others it is clear at first glance that they are expecting a baby. The 17th week of twin pregnancy in most cases will not be concealable.

The 17th week is also the time when uterus is already located much higher than at the beginning of pregnancy, and the baby is under the navel - about halfway between the navel and the symphysis pubis. Sleeping on the left side from the 17th week of pregnancy allows the placenta to continue supplying nutrients to the fetus.

The size of the child in the 17th week of pregnancy and the mother's well-being

Many women share the concerns that they cause abdominal pain in the 17th week of pregnancy. They can even be comparable to contractions, which for obvious reasons may be worrying. In fact, in most of these cases it is just about the uterus growing in the abdomen at 17 weeks. Muscles and ligaments still stretch to accommodate it, which can result in discomfort in the area abdomen, resembling cramps. When should you worry? When it is accompanied by fever and / or vaginal bleeding.

As the weight of the woman increases and the blood vessels are exposed to a particularly high load due to the pressure, varicose veins and hemorrhoids may begin to appear on the legs, and the first stretch marks may appear on the abdomen in the 17th week of pregnancy. In general, however, the symptoms should not be too bothersome at this time.

The most difficult symptoms may include:

  • constipation
  • nosebleeds
  • runny nose,
  • bleeding gums
  • dizziness.

Large fluctuations in blood pressure make it easy to dizzy - a future mother may experience temporary imbalances. In addition, the baby's weight and the size of the abdomen around 17 weeks of age are already so large that the body's center of gravity shifts forward, which can also make it difficult to maintain balance. Another unusual symptom at this stage is vivid dreams. Many women experience them due to stress, fears, but also an influx of new, positive impressions.

It is worth remembering that in twin pregnancy 17 weeks may be a bit more difficult due to the increased combined size and weight of children. Twin pregnancy is also burdened with a slightly higher risk, therefore follow-up visits and ultrasound examinations should be regular.

Skin, hair, nails and pregnancy - 17th week

Some of the women in the pregnancy photos actually glow. This is due to more intense blood circulation than before, which it translates into healthy blushes and a more beautiful complexion. Hair and nails also grow faster than before. It is also favored by a calmer and healthier lifestyle of many expectant mothers.

On the other hand hormonal changes in the 17th week of pregnancy may result in the unexpected appearance of individual hairs above the upper lip or acne. However, all these symptoms are temporary.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


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