Pregnancy Calendar

Is in 16 weeks pregnant the weight of the baby and his size can already become a nuisance for the mother-to-be? How to check, where is the babywhen it came 16 weeks of pregnancy and where it comes from at that time lower abdominal pain? What has changed with your baby's movements - does 16 weeks mean you can finally feel them?

The sixteenth day of pregnancy is the time when you can read on the forum for mothers about surprising symptoms that are not very associated with pregnancy. Instead of nausea or fatigue, a woman of 16 weeks may experience gum pain and nose bleeding. There is also pain in the lower abdomen. The weight and size of the baby change dynamically, but for the future mother it is also important to take care of her own weight - weight gain is necessary for the proper development of pregnancy, but it is worth maintaining control over it.

16 weeks pregnant: what month and trimester is it?

Women in the 16th week of pregnancy usually know exactly what month and semester it is. Doubts may sometimes arise when one month of pregnancy ends, or the trimester ends and the next one begins. For full clarity: The 16th week of pregnancy is the end of the fourth month, but still the beginning phase of the second trimester of pregnancy. It is worth adding that additionally, during the ultrasound in the second trimester, the doctor confirms the actual age of pregnancy, estimated on the basis of the ultrasound of the first trimester.

The middle trimester is considered to be the least burdensome for future mothers due to the fact that the tiring symptoms of the beginning of pregnancy are already disappearing, and the size and weight of the baby do not interfere with everyday functioning too much.

Lower abdominal pain at week 16

The 16th week of pregnancy is the time when miscarriages are very rare, while The pains in the lower abdomen that appear at this stage are most often caused by the growing uterus. They are felt especially in the lower section of the more and more stressed spine. If it is similar to the discomfort of menstruation or PMS, it is normal and should be approached with peace of mind. A miscarriage may be severe vaginal bleeding, possibly accompanied by cramps and abdominal pain - see your doctor as soon as possible.

Some expectant mothers may be disappointed to learn that at 16 weeks of age they are unlikely to feel their baby move yet. Under no circumstances should you worry about it - you just have to be patient. Contact with your baby can be made through voice and belly touch. The fetus is also sensitive to light, so it can become less active at night and more during the day.

16 weeks of pregnancy: the weight of the expectant mother

Even women who have not gained weight so far, in the 16th week of pregnancy, begin to notice changes in their body, sharing their experiences on the forum.

What changes can be seen in the 16th week of pregnancy?

  • Weight in the 16th week of pregnancy can increase by almost 0,5 kg. It is possible that this pace of growth will continue in the following weeks until the end of pregnancy. However, weight gain in pregnancy depends on the starting weight.
  • According to various sources, the daily energy requirement increases at this stage of the 4th month of pregnancy to ensure the correct weight of the mother and baby by 150-350 kcal.
  • The hips may appear wider than before as the pelvis prepares for labor and the fetus is growing rapidly in the womb.
  • Due to the weight gain and the changing figure, slowly you have to start replacing your wardrobe with looser clothes.

A slight weight gain at 16 weeks of pregnancy is normal. In a twin pregnancy, it may be slightly larger, but only slightly - throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman with two babies in her belly should gain a little more than the other pregnant women.

The size and weight of the baby at 16 weeks of pregnancy

For now, the weight of the baby does not contribute to the weight gain of the future mother - in the 16th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs on average about 146 g. It begins to grow at its own pace, so it is impossible to precisely determine the week of pregnancy and the day of conception based on height and weight. It should measure approximately 18,3 cm at this stage.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that the weight of the baby will soon begin to burden the mother's spine.

16 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

Since the baby's movements are still imperceptible to the future mother, it is hard to wonder about the questions about the location of the fetus. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby is somewhat below the navel, and the belly in this area begins to noticeably harden.

It is at this stage that the fetus is gaining body fat for the first time. His eyes are still closed, but in the sixteenth week of pregnancy, his eyelashes and eyebrows begin to grow. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the hearing function begins to develop - the baby's sense of hearing develops first. The fetus hears its mother's heart beating and the sounds of its surroundings.

During ultrasound, at this stage, you can find out not only where the baby is, but also learn about many other parameters, for example, its head circumference (HC). head circumference) - then on average it is then about 12 cm.

16th week: belly and pregnancy symptoms

The abdomen is already clearly rounded at this time, which is why many women document this stage of pregnancy in photos. With not too bothersome symptoms In the 16th week, future mothers may feel an additional surge of energy and even an improvement in libido.

The weight of the baby is not too great and the uterus is already higher than it was at the beginning of pregnancy. Thanks to this, the constant need to use the toilet may begin to pass, which can be a nuisance for future mothers in the earlier stages. They constitute a relatively common ailment for this intestinal problems. One might suppose that they depend on where the baby is at 16 weeks of gestation and how much it weighs, but to a greater extent they are due to the activity of hormones. At the same time, the gums or the nasal mucosa can be loosened, hence frequent questions on the forum about bleeding from the nose or gums in the 16th week of pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes and the high blood requirement of the placenta, blood pressure often drops, which can lead to dizziness.

Ultrasound in the 16th week of pregnancy: girl or boy?

In the 16th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers who are wondering whether they will give birth to a boy or a girl may find out the answer to this question during an ultrasound. The size of the child allows you to see the genitals fairly well.

Of course, due to the baby's position and movements, you may find that you cannot find out the truth in this particular ultrasound scan. If the fetus turns its back to the head of the apparatus, at the 16th week of pregnancy, it will still not be known if it is a girl or a boy. Future parents sometimes decide to use 3D or 4D ultrasound. It's a way to see the baby on a three-dimensional photo from the inside of the abdomen, and even in the video in the case of 4D ultrasound. The genitals should then be more clearly visible, but under unfavorable circumstances, it may turn out that even this examination does not give certainty about the gender.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


Fetal Size and Dating: Charts Recommended for Clinical Obstetric Practice, ULTRASOUND, August 2009, Volume 17, No. 3
Estimating Fetal Gestational Age, Radiology Key
Fetal Development,

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