Pregnancy Calendar

15th week of pregnancy: which month it is and what you can learn from USG? What happens to uterus and what is it the size of the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy? Whether the sex of the child no longer raises any doubts at this stage? How can it run 15 weeks in twin pregnancy

If you take into account the symptoms, the fifteenth week of pregnancy, and with a bit of luck the greater part of the second trimester, may turn out to be quite tolerable for the expectant mother, although it is worth remembering that each organism behaves differently. It is a bit more difficult during a twin pregnancy, but regardless of the size of the abdomen and accompanying ailments, most women would like to feel the baby's movements in them at the 15th week in order to know where they are and to make sure that everything is fine.

15th week of pregnancy: if and what kind of ultrasound?

In the 15th week of pregnancy, ultrasound is not a routine diagnostic procedure. In a situation where the patient missed the obligatory examination scheduled between 11,0 and 13,6 weeks (semester I ultrasound, also known as prenatal or genetic), an ultrasound examination with the assessment of the anatomy of the fetus may be recommended. It will allow you to check if the fetus is developing properly, and also to see what the baby looks like and watch its movements.

In the 15th week of pregnancy, however, it is no longer possible to estimate the risk of the most common genetic defects based on the result of the PAPP-A test (i.e. the measurement of the concentration of PAPP-A in the blood of the expectant mother). If the patient has not had an ultrasound so far, the doctor during this examination also confirms the real age of pregnancy, which before the ultrasound was determined on the basis of the date of the last menstruation. Such confirmation is especially important in the case of women suffering from PCOS or menstruating irregularly.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already measuring over 16 cm and weighs approx. 117 g. All organs and systems have already started working to prepare the body for independent functioning. During 3D ultrasound you can see his face with all the details, and 4D ultrasound allows you to record a movie, which will also show the baby's movements.

15nd trimester and XNUMXth week of pregnancy: which month is it?

The second trimester has recently started - the 15th week of pregnancy is the continuation of the fourth month. The middle stage of pregnancy for many women is a respite between the difficult beginning and the exhausting end of waiting for a baby. Regardless of the state of health and symptoms, most mothers want to know what their baby looks like at 15 weeks of pregnancy, and especially to feel, and not just see on ultrasound, its movements. Although some sources mention this possibility, the size of the uterus in relation to the fetus and the way it moves, in most cases it is too early for a woman to feel the baby's movements in her belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Although it is not perceptible to the mother, the fetus moves very often during this time, incl. trains swallowing and sucking reflexes, and can also clench fists.

Fifteenth week of pregnancy: possible symptoms

The biggest drawbacks to the fifteenth week of pregnancy can be problems in the lower abdomen: constipation and pain. The growing uterus in the 15th week of pregnancy compresses the organs and puts stress on the spine. In turn, increased appetite and dietary changes aggravated by the so-called pregnancy cravings often provoke constipation or flatulence. Moreover, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down during this time due to hormonal changes in pregnancy.

Many mothers-to-be stop complaining about nausea at this stage. However, a twin pregnancy at 15 weeks can still cause them, and in some women such discomfort may persist until delivery. There is also dizziness related to low blood pressure and the outflow of blood to the uterus and placenta.

Dental problems and even painful and bleeding gumsare common at this stage - it is a natural result of hormonal changes. The gums are swollen, as are the lining inside the nose. As a result, some women may experience epistaxis in their 15th week of pregnancy. If it occurs occasionally, there is little reason to be concerned.

Belly size at 15 weeks of pregnancy: can you see or not?

There is no rule or formula to say what it should be like the size of the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy. The expectant mother must sense it already, but from the outside it is still often invisible. The size of the abdomen changes faster in women who have already given birth or are pregnant in twins. The 15th week is the moment when more fitted and non-stretchy clothes may no longer fit - especially in the area of ​​the mother's torso.

The size of the uterus at 15 weeks is compared with the melon. The baby is under the navel, that's why belly skin it becomes harder and harder there. The uterus has been moving upwards in recent weeks to give the baby enough space. This reduces the pressure on her bladder, so that in the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the frequency of urination decreases.

Women who are pregnant in twins tend to complain of more pronounced symptoms as their uterus is heavier in their 15th week of pregnancy and puts more pressure on other organs.

15 weeks pregnant: baby's gender becomes apparent

Without additional testing (such as, for example, analysis of free DNA from the mother's blood), the statement the sex of the child before the 15th week of pregnancy, it is more assumptions than certainty. In some cases, the doctor performing the ultrasound is able to determine the sex quite quickly, but sometimes it is not possible. The 15th week is the time when the size of the fetus should facilitate this, but a lot depends on where the baby is at 15 weeks and what exact position he will take during the examination. Even if future parents decide to undergo 3D or 4D ultrasound, it may happen that the fetus is turned with its back and its gender cannot be determined.

What tests are recommended in the 15th week of pregnancy?

The following tests may be recommended by your doctor at this time:

  • blood test for anti-Rh antibodies,
  • HBs test - the presence of HBs antigen in the blood indicates HBV infection and the risk of developing hepatitis B,
  • uterine fundus height examination - palpation assessment of the location of the uterus in the abdominal cavity,
  • blood count, possibly urine test,
  • gynecological examination.

As for other recommendations, not every woman is aware of the fact that due to the size of the abdomen, at week 15 she should not carry heavy objects and overwork. It is worth starting to get used to sleeping on the stomach - the best position for the baby will be on the back or left side.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


Fetal Size and Dating: Charts Recommended for Clinical Obstetric Practice, ULTRASOUND, August 2009, Volume 17, No. 3
Estimating Fetal Gestational Age, Radiology Key
Fetal Development,

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