Pregnancy Calendar

What is the 9th week of pregnancy and which month is it? What do the ultrasound images show? Can the abdomen at 9 weeks of pregnancy remain the same, although the size of the embryo is normal? What to do when the 9th week of pregnancy has started but no symptoms?

The second trimester is slowly approaching and the third month of pregnancy begins. The ninth week is a continuation of the intensive development of the embryo, with varying degrees of pregnancy ailments. Frequent questions about symptoms of miscarriage at this stage show that 9 weeks of pregnancy may be associated with anxiety in future mothers and it is worth dispelling doubts in this regard. 

What does the 9th week of pregnancy look like on an ultrasound?

The size of the embryo at 9 weeks of gestation (CRL) is 16 mm at the beginning and 23 mm after six days. A future child at 9 weeks of age continues to grow by 1 mm per day, and the CRL determination during ultrasound examination allows for a precise calculation of the age of pregnancy. It is more difficult in the later stages as the different dimensions of the fetus and the relationships between them are assessed. It is impossible to determine, for example, in the 9th month of pregnancy which week it is, solely on the basis of the height of the baby that is to be born.

The ultrasound pictures from the 9th week of pregnancy show more and more details of the face compared to the previous weeks: lips, eyes and ears, thanks to which the embryo gains an increasingly human appearance. The biggest change is the appearance of the fingers and toes, and the tail should have completely disappeared. The internal organs are largely shaped and some are starting to take up their functions. The embryo already has sexual organs, although they cannot yet be visualized on ultrasound to recognize the sex. The head in the pictures is still very big - 9 weeks of pregnancy is the time when the brain and nervous system are developing very quickly. Due to the still shrunken legs, the size of the embryo is determined by the CLR, which is the length from the buttocks to the head. Involuntary muscle contractions cause the baby to move for the first time in the 9th week of pregnancy, although the expectant mother will not feel it yet. 

9 weeks pregnant - does the belly begin to grow?

Although the period of embryonic development is nearing the end, the next baby in the 9th week of pregnancy is still called an embryo or embryo. A woman's abdomen often remains unchanged, although in the 9th week of pregnancy a slight bulge in its lower part may begin to be noticeable. A slight pushing of the abdomen is the result of the stretching of the abdominal wall, the slowly growing uterus, as well as flatulence associated with slow intestinal peristalsis - the size of the embryo at week 9 has no effect on this yet. On the stomach, the so-called linea nigrawhich is a darker line running vertically from top to bottom.

If even belly at 9 weeks of pregnancy it will start to stand out under tight-fitting clothes, it is difficult to see the figure of the future mother not only, which week it is or a month, but is she expecting a baby at all - especially when it is not accompanied by typical ailments, and the abdomen was also rounded earlier.

Ninth week of pregnancy - what symptoms to expect?

The following symptoms are possible in the 9th week of pregnancy:

  • worsening or changing mood
  • Headache,
  • darker discoloration on the face (chloasma), 
  • breast enlargement, visualization of the blood vessel network, darkening of the nipple areola,
  • nausea,
  • tendency to eat certain products and aversion to others,
  • lowering libido.

In the 9th week of pregnancy, emotional changes become very noticeable - future mothers may complain of a worse memory, unusually vivid dreams or a feeling of overload. Physical symptoms, such as nausea, also often reach their peak. Too common at this stage, famous pregnancy cravings According to doctors, several factors correspond. The first one is sensitivity to smells combined with nausea, which can cause symptoms such as reaching for completely different dishes or food products in the 9th week of pregnancy. The second explanation is deficiencies: in the absence of magnesium, chocolate or nuts can quickly supplement them, while the silages contain a lot of vitamin C. the body's need for nutrients. 

In the 9rd week of pregnancy the first signs of abdominal enlargement may be accompanied by a slight tension or pain in these areasalthough these symptoms should not be more intense than they used to be - e.g. in the case of premenstrual syndrome.

9 weeks pregnant and no symptoms: is it possible?

Although symptoms in the 9th week of pregnancy may be very bothersome, their absence, paradoxically, is also a cause for concern for expectant mothers. Most often, however, there is nothing to worry about. Often the symptoms they get worse at a particular point in pregnancywhile sooner or later they can be much less annoying. 

Some women who are 9 weeks pregnant do not experience any symptoms typical of this period, but are full of energy. Sometimes, however, work or a load of other duties and the associated stress mean that in the frenzy of everyday activities, we do not pay attention to the signs of pregnancy or the lack of them. 

Possible complications in the 9th week of pregnancy

Future mothers are especially concerned about miscarriage - this also applies to the 9th week of pregnancy. The doctor recognizes them when the heart rate of the embryo stops (although the heart rate was previously visible) or if subsequent ultrasound examinations show that the embryo is not developing. A symptom of miscarriage in the 9th week of pregnancy may be sudden hemorrhage and severe pain or stinging in the abdomen. Until the diagnosis is confirmed, however, don't expect the worst. The risk of miscarriage in the 9th week of pregnancy is estimated to be less than 5 percent and it drops in the following weeks. Slight pains in the lower abdomen, related to the gradual stretching of the uterus, should not be a concern for the expectant mother, and spotting can still occur due to hormonal changes and the exceptional sensitivity of the reproductive tract at this time. The absence of symptoms in the 9th week of pregnancy also does not herald a miscarriage.

9th week: how to take care of yourself?

  • In order not to risk weakness or fainting due to lowered blood pressure during pregnancy, it is important to give your body regular rest.
  • Although some future mothers can boast of a smooth and radiant complexion, it often starts to cause problems at this stage - blemishes and prone to irritation may appear, so it is recommended to use mild, hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  • Considering the enlargement and changes in the breast area, it is worth looking for a suitable bra that will ensure comfort and proper support.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


Fetal Size and Dating: Charts Recommended for Clinical Obstetric Practice, ULTRASOUND, August 2009, Volume 17, No. 3

Estimating Fetal Gestational Age, Radiology Key

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