Pregnancy Calendar

Sixth week of pregnancy: what can be seen on ultrasound and how does the size of the embryo change during this time? Why is the measurement of beta hCG in the blood tested? What symptoms can be caused by the 6th week of pregnancy and which are the most frequently mentioned on the forum for expectant mothers?

The sixth week of pregnancy is the beginning of more serious ailments, but also the long-awaited opportunity to see the embryo and its heart functions on the monitor during vaginal ultrasound. Hormonal changes have a great influence on how the expectant mother feels. Performing a set of tests ordered during a medical visit confirming pregnancy allows you to get rid of at least some of your fears and uncertainties.  

6th week of pregnancy: USG abdominal or vaginal?

One of the first associations with pregnancy is an ultrasound scan, which involves moving the camera's head over the mother's belly. In the 6th week of pregnancy, it is too early for that; at this stage, as in the previous weeks, intravaginal (internal) ultrasound is performed. The difference is in what you see because in the 6th week of pregnancy, a vaginal ultrasound scan will reveal not only the pregnancy sac, but also the embryo inside it. However, the size of the embryo at the 6th week of pregnancy means that it is only a dot on the ultrasound printout.

Another test that can be performed at week 6 - apart from ultrasound - is measuring the concentration of beta hCG in the blood, which is a hormone (chorionic gonadotropin), the increase of which is characteristic of pregnancy. At this stage, the beta hCG level reaches even 31 mIU / ml - a higher concentration may indicate, for example, a twin pregnancy. Home pregnancy tests also measure beta HCG, but in urine, which is less accurate. 

Visit to the gynecologist in the 6th week of pregnancy

For many women visit to the office around the 6th week of pregnancy it is the first one in a different state and at the same time confirming the pregnancy. As a standard, the doctor does gynecological examinationespecially if there is no vaginal ultrasound machine in place. In the 6th week of pregnancy, the doctor can assess whether the vagina is fluffed up and the cervix is ​​additionally blue. The action of progesterone is responsible for this. The gynecologist should also weigh his patient, check her blood pressure and carry out a breast examination. 

During the visit, it is important that the expectant mother can describe in detail how she feels at week 6 and what ailments she has had so far. Some symptoms can only be noticed by her - talking to your doctor about them gives you a chance to react quickly if you need to, and this can prevent unwanted complications.

Examination at 6 weeks of pregnancy

At week 6, during your pregnancy confirmation visit, your doctor may order the following tests:

  • general urine examination;
  • blood tests - blood count, blood group and Rh determination, immune (anti-Rh) antibodies, blood glucose level; 
  • testing for hepatitis B and C;
  • dental control;
  • risk assessment of depression.

As part of a blood test, it is also recommended marking the level of TSHto rule out thyroid disease. Moreover, it is checked that the woman is not infected HIV, toxoplasmosis, rubella or syphilis. All this because the aforementioned diseases can be very dangerous for the further course of pregnancy and the child's development. After vaginal ultrasound in the 6th week of pregnancy, it is also possible - and even necessary, if it has not been done before - to be performed cytology i examination of the microbiological purity of the vagina

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Aleksandra Swiebod

Head of the Department of Assessment and Development of Cooperation at the Institute of Mother and Child

The size of the embryo and follicle at 6 weeks of pregnancy

The size of the embryo is determined by the CRL, which is the parietal-seat length, measured from the top of the skull to the buttocks. At the end of the 6th week of pregnancy, a vaginal ultrasound will reveal a 3mm embryo. The pregnancy follicle measures at 6 weeks 3-10 gold wire. 

The size of the embryo at the 6th week of pregnancy makes it only a speck on the ultrasound printout, although it grows and develops very quickly. The central nervous, digestive and excretory systems begin to form, the heart chambers are formed, and the limbs are already clearly marked, although still fused with the rest of the body. The heart starts working, which means it begins to contract as early as the 22nd day after fertilization. When the size of the embryo exceeds 4-5 mm, the heart rate should be clearly visible on ultrasound.

6th week of pregnancy - characteristic symptoms

During this time, you have to take into account the characteristic morning hours nausea. In the sixth week of pregnancy, they can sometimes take the acute form of exhausting vomiting throughout the day, which is confirmed on many forums for expectant mothers. Mood swings and an emotional swing they are also nothing unusual then. Symptoms of this kind in the 6th week of pregnancy are related, firstly, to hormonal changes, but also to uncertainty and concerns about the future. Some ladies use the toilet more often than usual during this time, which, together with other ailments, may make spending longer outside the home a bit burdensome in the 6th week of pregnancy. However, the abdomen is still flat during this time, and the pregnancy is not visible from the outside.

On the forum for expectant mothers, the question of how well you feel in the 6th week of pregnancy often appears - sharing experiences can be invaluable support, but it is best to go to the gynecologist with specific questions about the symptoms you experience.

From where spotting in the 6th week of pregnancy?

At this stage, sporadic, trace bleeding from the genital tract occurs in approx. 20% of patients. women. Hormonal changes are usually to blame, causing a lot of blood supply to the vaginal walls and the uterus, which can be associated with the breaking of delicate blood vessels, causing spotting

In the 6th week of pregnancy, it may also manifest itself progesterone deficiency. The secretion of this hormone in the right amount is crucial for the course of pregnancy, enabling the embryo to implant in the uterus and its further development. Too low concentration of progesterone in the blood in the first weeks of pregnancy means a risk of miscarriage, it may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy. 

6 weeks pregnant - abdominal pain, breasts and other ailments

Spotting in the 6th week of pregnancy is not the only unpleasant ailment. Although the embryo is very small in the 6th week of pregnancy, the woman's body is already preparing for its larger size - the uterine ligaments begin to stretch. This includes associated with it abdominal pain in the 6th week of pregnancy. As long as it is not severe and is not accompanied by strong contractions, you should not worry too much about it, although it is worth talking to your doctor about these types of complaints during the check-up visit. However, abdominal pain is not everything, because in the sixth week, the future mother may also suffer from breast pain. As a result of the hormonal storm, water is retained in them, which can be seen from the fact that they become enlarged and more sensitive than before. Other unusual, but common symptoms of 6 weeks gestation include a metallic taste in the mouth and excessive salivation.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


Fetal Size and Dating: Charts Recommended for Clinical Obstetric Practice, ULTRASOUND, August 2009, Volume 17, No. 3

Estimating Fetal Gestational Age, Radiology Key

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