Pregnancy Calendar

Second week of pregnancy: what is known and what? Are symptoms more pronounced in the second week of pregnancy? What does a woman's belly look like then and is the abdominal pain in the 2nd week of pregnancy a cause for concern? Does it make sense to do an ultrasound at this time?

Although the second week is still a more contractual than actual pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization are usually just a step away. Below is everything you need to know about pregnancy at week 2.

What to expect in the second week of pregnancy?

In the second week of pregnancy, counting from the day the last menstruation began, menstruation is over, but still it is difficult to talk about the actual development of pregnancy, as it is rather a continuation of preparations for it. At the end of menstruation, the egg matures, which then becomes ready to combine with the sperm during ovulation. Week 2 is the time when fertilization may or may not occur. For this reason, it is difficult to talk about the characteristic well-being of the mother or any specific "pregnancy" symptoms. 

2nd week of pregnancy: the sequence of events

Here's what happens in the second week of pregnancy in a woman's body: 

  • final periodthe onset of which is considered the onset of pregnancy (Naegele method), it should be over nowHowever, we must remember that in the case of women with irregular cycles, it is necessary to use the age of pregnancy, confirmed by ultrasound performed in the first trimester.
  • W in the second week of pregnancy then occurs pre-ovulatory phase, that is, the maturation of the egguntil it is released from the Graff follicle in the ovary. It is associated with an increase in estrogen levels, thanks to which the endometrium multiplies, preparing it for the later reception of a fertilized egg.
  • Then, during the ovulation (ovulation) phase, the egg comes out of a ruptured Graff follicle and is ready to be fertilized, it moves from the ovary to the fallopian tube. Some women will ovulate a few days after their period, while others will not ovulate until a few (2 to 3) weeks.
  • Since the ovum lives for about 24 hours and the sperm cells for 5 to even 7 days, the greatest chances of getting pregnant appear about 2-3 days before ovulation (sperm survives until the egg is released), and also during ovulation itself and the day after it (both female and male reproductive cells will still be able to fertilize). 

2nd week of pregnancy - symptoms related to the phase of the cycle

Whether or not ovulation actually takes place at the assumed 2nd week of pregnancy can be inferred on the basis of observing vaginal mucus. After menstruation, as estrogen levels increase from cloudy, thick, sticky and sparse in quantity, it becomes more and more clear, fluid, slippery and plentiful. The greatest intensity of these features of mucus occurs during ovulation - it promotes sperm survival, thus facilitating fertilization. 

An additional hint may be body temperature - before ovulation it drops slightly, while after ovulation it rises by 0,2-0,5 degrees C. The increasing level of estrogen may, in turn, contribute to an increase in libido.

What other symptoms of the 2nd week of pregnancy?

Approx. 20-30 percent women at the end of this period may notice slight vaginal staining. The so-called implantation bleeding occurs when ovum nestles in the wall of the uterus, damaging it. However, it is not worth judging about pregnancy on the basis of spotting in the second week. This symptom can also have other causes (e.g. hormonal problems, injuries) without any connection with the second week of pregnancy or fertilization. 

It happens that the 2nd week of pregnancy is associated with breast swelling or feeling more sleepy than usual. However, this can mean both periovulatory symptoms and PMS symptoms and can therefore be easily overlooked in the second week of pregnancy. They worsen in the following days, when the second week begins after fertilization. 

2 weeks pregnant: is abdominal pain normal?

Some women experience ovulatory pain when they ovulate. Most often it is about light to moderate pains in the ovaries or lower abdomen. It can also occur greater breast tenderness. Usually this type abdominal pain in the second week of pregnancy are normal, especially in women who have also had quite painful ovulations so far. At this stage, a slight stomach ache does not mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy, as you can still only guess if conception has occurred.

Lively discussions about the symptoms of the second week of pregnancy on more than one online forum for expectant mothers may cause confusion, because at this time of pregnancy, neither morning sickness nor increased abdominal hardness are signaled yet. Women who experience them most often have these symptoms subsoil psychosomatic. The desire to become pregnant or the fear of conception make the slightest signal from the body seem to confirm one or the other (it is read as confirmation of one or the other). 

The second week of pregnancy - how to proceed?

In this connection, that the second week of pregnancy is not the second week after conception, it makes no sense to undergo pregnancy tests or ultrasound at this time to confirm or exclude pregnancy - even if such advice can be found on a popular internet forum. What is worth remembering then? 

  • In the second week of pregnancy, women who decide to become a mother can visit a gynecologist who will confirm that ovulation is taking place during an ultrasound scan. 
  • You can also stock up on ovulation tests.
  • The doctor may order survey indicated for women planning conceptionsuch as excluding HIV, rubella or toxoplasmosis.
  • At the stage of the second week of pregnancy, it is worth taking care of supplementation 0,4 mg or more of folic acid daily. 
  • In the light of current knowledge, supplementation is recommended throughout pregnancy DHA (docosahexaenoic acid - at least 200 mg daily) and vitamin D. (1500-2000 IU per day). In the case of vitamin D, it would be optimal to determine its concentration in the blood serum earlier. 
  • During pregnancy the body's need for iodine and iron increaseso. With a healthy thyroid gland, it is recommended that iodine be taken in a dose of 150-200 mcg per day. Iron supplementation is recommended in the case of anemia and should be under medical supervision.
  • It is worth starting to get enough sleep and eat rationally.
  • This is the last bell on changing habits related to stimulants or lifestyle. Soon, in the second week after conception and later, such decisions will result in a better well-being of the mother-to-be and a greater chance for the healthy development of the baby.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.

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