Pregnancy Calendar

Czy 10 weeks of pregnancy it's already significantly enlarged stomach and noticeable weight gain? Why does the first visit to the gynecologist have to be made no later than in the 10th week of pregnancy and is ultrasound obligatory then? What is the size of the fetus at this stage?

The tenth week of pregnancy marks the end of embryonic development and the beginning of the fetal phase, although the symptoms known from previous weeks often persist. The risk of miscarriage and of having a baby with malformations starts to decrease in the 10th week of pregnancy, but expectant mothers should still be careful. The 10th week is also the last moment for the first "pregnancy" visit to the doctor.

10 weeks pregnant: what month is it?

To begin with, it is worth explaining which month it is. 10 weeks of pregnancy it belongs to the first trimester and falls in the middle of the third month. An embryo in a healthy pregnancy then it develops so regularly that it is possible to determine its age on the basis of the millimeter difference in length (CRL), and also to determine the date of conception almost to the day.

Ultrasound performed in the first trimester confirms or corrects the age of pregnancy, which until now was estimated on the basis of the date of the last menstruation. This is especially important information for women whose cycles are not regular.

The third month (and the 10th week) may mean that due to the growing belly of the future mother, her condition will begin to be visible to the environment. It can be expected that in twin pregnancy and plural, the belly will be more visible than with one child and a primiparous woman. The paradox is that some women lose weight during this time due to hypersensitivity to smells or tastes and nausea, which can delay pregnancy weight gain.

First visit: at the latest in the 10th week of pregnancy

Ultrasound examination up to the 10th week of pregnancy is optional, but in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health on the schedule of medical checks during pregnancy, the first visit to the gynecologist should take place in the 10th week of pregnancy at the latest. It is also a condition for granting a child benefit after birth, the so-called baby shower. Regardless of this, expectant mothers are recommended to make their first appointment earlier than in the 10th week - ideally at the end of the second month of pregnancy. Prior medical check-ups and ultrasound examinations are necessary in the case of women whose pregnancy is at risk or who have other health problems (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, etc.). 

During the first visit, the doctor opens a pregnancy card and orders laboratory tests. In addition to the general analysis of urine, blood count with the determination of the blood group and Rh immune antibodies, it is also important to check the level of glucose and TSH, and to exclude diseases that are dangerous for pregnancy (rubella, cytomegaly, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis Bi C, syphilis and HIV). During the first visit, the gynecologist palpates the breasts. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is advisable to perform a breast ultrasound (if it was not done within the last year) in order to exclude any abnormalities. A woman should also examine her breasts on her own every month. It is a good idea to collect and keep the medical records related to pregnancy in one place, preferably in chronological order, so that the most recent results / data can be easily consulted.  

10 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound pictures

Thanks to ultrasound it is known that the embryo is 23-31 mm in size, weighs 5 grams and grows by up to 2 mm every day. Due to the shrunken legs the size of the fetus (or actually the embryo) in the 10th week of pregnancy is still determined by the CRL, i.e. the parietal-seated dimension. 

The heart beats at a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute. If during Ultrasound in the 10th week of pregnancy the doctor does not find the heartbeat, it could have happened miscarriages. In turn, its lowering may indicate fetal defects. The ultrasound in the 10th week of pregnancy is still performed with a vaginal probe, not through the abdominal wall. This method also allows the expectant mother to see the embryo and get photos (printout). The ultrasound photo in the 10th week of pregnancy will show:

  • legs and arms with bent knees and elbows,
  • a clearly shaped head, nose and mouth,
  • fingers and toes.

In the case of a twin pregnancy, the ultrasound image will show two embryos. Such pregnancy happens once in 85 cases. For triplets the probability is 1: 7225 and for quadruplets it is 1: 614125.

What is not visible on ultrasound in 10 weeks of pregnancy?

What in the photos taken during the test in the 10th week of pregnancy you can't see it palate, tooth buds, increasingly harder bones. The embryo then has all the systems and organs, and apart from the vesicle, it is protected by the fetal membranes. The placenta takes over the function of the disappearing yolk sac at this stage, providing oxygen and nutrients from the mother's body. The embryo begins to move more and more, although it is still too small for the movements to be felt by the mother. The fully developed sexual organs of a toddler cannot be clearly seen yet, but starting from the 10th week of pregnancy, it is possible to recognize the child's gender thanks to the so-called free fetal DNA from the mother's blood

Symptoms and belly of a woman in the 10th week of pregnancy

For now, it can still be hidden under clothes, but in the case of some expectant mothers in a skimpy outfit or bikini, the belly in the 10th week of pregnancy will be definitely visible. The uterus growsand with it they can be felt slight pains in the abdominal area. By the 10th week of pregnancy, it is normal to gain weight to about 1 kilogram, and it is associated with the enlarging breast, as well as the uterus and the abdominal area.

The 10th week is also a time when they are quite frequent intestinal problems. Hormonal changes, along with the craving for unusual combinations of flavors, can lead to indigestion. In addition, the growing uterus in the abdomen at week 10 causes abdominal pressure on the intestines. In a twin pregnancy, these symptoms can be multiplied.

Other common symptoms of 10 weeks of pregnancy have:

  • dizziness,
  • vomiting,
  • oversensitive gums
  • frequent urination,
  • tiredness.

In the 10th week of pregnancy, the above symptoms should not worry the mother-to-be. However, there are also some where it is worth being particularly vigilant.

What may be worrying about the 10th week of pregnancy?

Among the symptoms associated with miscarriage in the 10th week of pregnancy exchanged sudden vaginal hemorrhages i severe abdominal pain. In such cases, a quick medical consultation is always necessary. Risk miscarriages in the 10th week of pregnancy it is still relatively high, but is gradually starting to decline. One of the causes of bleeding that occurs up to about 10 weeks of pregnancy is sometimes progesterone deficiency - your doctor may then prescribe progesterone or its derivatives to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

With the intensification of nausea and vomiting in a future mother, it is important not to dehydrate the body - during pregnancy, the daily requirement for fluids increases by approx. 0,3 l compared to the period before pregnancy and amounts to approx. 2,3 l. It is related to the increase in blood volume, development of fetal tissues, membranes and enlarging uterus. Moms-to-be is advised to drink small amounts of good-quality water in small portions throughout the day. Intense vomiting in the first trimester, especially with a short interval between the current and previous pregnancy, increases the risk of anemiawhich can have serious consequences - both for the fetus and the mother-to-be.


Ph.D. n. med. prof. IMID Tadeusz Issat - Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at the Institute of Mother and Child;

Maria Krowicka-Wasyl - resident physician in the course of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Institute of Mother and Child.


Fetal Size and Dating: Charts Recommended for Clinical Obstetric Practice, ULTRASOUND, August 2009, Volume 17, No. 3

Estimating Fetal Gestational Age, Radiology Key

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