Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy: 3st trimester

April 20 2023

The third trimester starts from the 28th week of pregnancy and lasts until delivery. As the due date approaches, some women may experience greater difficulties in everyday functioning. A rapidly growing pregnancy belly and changes in body weight may make it difficult moving and performing various activities, including exercises. Despite the challenges that may arise, appropriately adapted exercise is recommended in the third trimester of pregnancy if there are no medical contraindications.

What exercises for pregnant women can be used in the 3rd trimester and why are they so important for the woman and the child during this period? This and some additional information can be found in this article, which is devoted to physical activity and exercises in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The third trimester of pregnancy and the silhouette of a woman

The baby is already in the third trimester of pregnancy completely formed and its further development is mainly focused on improving what is already developed and on the child's weight gain (which in the 3rd trimester is on average 2000g). If birth occurs before the planned date, the baby's internal organs are sufficiently prepared to give it a good chance of health and full functioning.

The figure of a woman also changes according to the development of the child. In the third trimester, changes in the figure are most noticeable. This is related to the growing belly and the largest weight gain of a woman during this period.

It is understandable that they become more severe in the third trimester back pain and muscle pain, which may be a challenge for some women. Other ailments that the pregnant woman experienced in the previous trimester not only do not go away, but may become more intense. Moreover, there is a risk of new symptoms appearing, which may also significantly affect the general well-being of the future mother.

The most common symptoms in the third trimester of pregnancy:

Some of the ailments that may appear in the third trimester of pregnancy include:

  • intensification of pain in the sacro-lumbar region;
  • diastasis rectus abdominis;
  • varicose veins and swelling of the lower limbs;
  • calf cramps and foot pain;
  • labored breathing;
  • urinary urgency, pollakiuria.

However, let us remember that every pregnancy progresses individually, so you don't have to observe the symptoms presented above.

Physical activity and exercises movement Pregnant: 3nd trimester

Physical activity and exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy are possible, but may be challenging for some women. This applies especially to those women who gained more weight during pregnancy and struggle with mobility limitations or those who were not physically active or exercised in the first two trimesters.

Pregnant women who have no medical contraindications can to continue and/ or adjust your physical activity and exercises planned for the 3rd trimester in accordance with your doctor's recommendations and your well-being.

In the 3rd trimester, physical activity can be performed in the form of walking, Nordic walking, yoga, stationary cycling or aqua aerobics.

Exercises for pregnant women: 3rd trimester 

The exercise goal for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester will be the same as in previous trimesters and will include:

  • shaping the correct body posture;
  • increasing the range of mobility of the spine and hip joints;
  • activation of various muscle groups, including those involved in childbirth;
  • pelvic floor muscle exercises;
  •  improving the blood supply to the lower and upper limbs;
  • learning diaphragmatic breathing;
  • learning relaxation techniques.
Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

It should be remembered that in the 3rd trimester the intensity of exercise should be lower than it was in the 2nd trimester. This means that we shorten the exercise time, perform fewer repetitions and exercise at a slower pace. We avoid performing exercises in the supine and standing positions. A semi-recumbent position is acceptable, i.e. lying on your back with higher back support. In the third trimester of pregnancy, we pay special attention to the participation of the husband/partner in the exercises and learning how to support the pregnant woman in the various stages of labour.

Pregnancy exercises and back pain: 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, especially after the 3th week of pregnancy, the spine can take a toll on the mother-to-be. As a result of increasing lordosis in the lumbar region, shortened and tight paraspinal muscles show great fatigue and soreness. Especially after prolonged standing, sitting and walking. It is increasingly difficult for a pregnant woman to control her posture during everyday activities. However posture control is important in alleviating back pain.

Controlling the position of the head while walking or sitting plays a very important role. The head affects the positioning of the lower sections of the spine, so all you need to do is remember to position it correctly so that the entire spine works in better conditions. How do we control the head? The future mother must remember to pull the top of her head up in every situation.

In addition to postural control, exercise plays an important role. In the third trimester of pregnancy, exercises that stretch the spine, tighten the shoulder blades, improve mobility in the cervical spine - should be performed daily.

Exercises for pregnant women relieve back pain: 3rd trimester

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Relaxation techniques and positions, as well as massage to relax tense and sore muscles, also work very well in relieving back pain. A massage in the form of gentle compressions and stroking of the back muscles can be performed by the husband / partner. The best positions to perform the massage are kneeling on all fours or sitting on your heels with your knees wide apart. In the case of sitting on the heels, the arms and head can be rested on a pillow placed, for example, on the seat of the chair. The massage is performed on the bare body using a small amount of olive oil. If the pain is significant and persists despite exercise and massage, the pregnant woman should visit the physiotherapy office.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle 3. trimester of pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle (often referred to as diastasis alba) occurs to varying degrees in most pregnant women. Many women are concerned about the appearance of diastasis recti. However, there is no reason to worry.

If the stretch in the linea alba is approximately 1 cm, it is often reduced naturally thanks to the physiological regeneration of the abdominal muscles after childbirth. Larger stretch marks, over 1 cm, may require special attention, especially in people who did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy or had less developed abdominal muscles, as well as in those who have had multiple births. In such cases, the gap may be significant.

A significant stretch in the linea alba usually does not affect the course of pregnancy, the child's development or well-being, but every case does individual. After giving birth, more time and effort may be needed to restore the proper elasticity and tone to the abdominal muscles. Decisions about starting exercise and what type of training to do after birth should be made in collaboration with professionals such as physiotherapists to ensure safety and effectiveness of exercises.

Exercises abdominal, gluteal and pelvic floor muscles: 3rd trimester of pregnancy

The abdominal, gluteal and pelvic floor muscles play a key role during childbirth. Efficient and strengthened muscles can contribute to an easier physiological birth. Additionally, well-developed abdominal muscles can help reduce the risk of a significant diastasis in the linea alba. Pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, is not the time for intensive abdominal muscle exercises, it is recommended to continue gentle exercises adapted to the condition of the pregnant woman to maintain the muscle elasticity achieved previously.

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

The exercises that work best in the third trimester of pregnancy are those performed in the all-fours position, e.g. straightening the legs without lifting the toes from the floor or in the same position - sitting sideways on the right and left. The above-mentioned exercises will stimulate both the gluteal muscles and, indirectly, the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, exercises for the gluteal muscles and pelvic floor can also be performed in the form of isolated tensions. In the case of the gluteal muscles, we perform them squeezing, while in the case of the pelvic floor muscles, you should imaginethat we hold in the stream of urine while going to the toilet. The exercise can be performed in various positions and at any time. Just a few tensions performed several times a day are enough.

How do we get up sideways in the third trimester of pregnancy? 

Women who haven't learned yet techniques for getting up sideways from a lying position, they can now consider adopting it. This is a useful skill that can be helpful both during the last weeks of pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

As the name suggests, when getting up sideways, you should move from lying on your back to lying sideways. If you want to lie on your side, bend your knees. Your feet should be resting on the mattress. Then we turn both knees and the pelvis in the direction in which we will stand up. Secondly, we twist our shoulders and torso - and that's it - we lie on our side. In this position, we stretch our legs out of the bed and then push ourselves off the mattress with our hand, while supporting ourselves on the elbow of the arm we were lying on. This is the simplest way of getting up that does not burden the abdominal muscles.

Exercises respiratory pregnant: 3rd trimester 

In the early third trimester, the uterus reaches the xiphoid process of the sternum. This high position of the uterus changes respiratory conditions of a pregnant woman. The uterus presses on the diaphragm, the main respiratory muscle, making it difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe. The woman's body copes with this difficulty by increasing minute ventilation (meaning the number of breaths per minute increases with less air being drawn into the lungs per breath).

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Aleksandra Swiebod

Head of the Department of Assessment and Development of Cooperation at the Institute of Mother and Child

Many women prefer breathing TZW. chest track, which is easier for a woman, but from a physiological point of view it is less effective than diaphragmatic breathing.

Due to the increased demand for oxygen, which must be delivered to the baby in larger amounts than before, breathing exercises aimed at activation of lower costal breathing. It involves expanding the lower ribs in the frontal plane during a calm, deep inhalation and then twice as long exhalation.

Breathing exercises for women in the third trimester of pregnancy should be performed several times a day and each time during exercise and physical activity.

Exercises improving the blood supply to the lower and upper limbs: 3.trimester of pregnancy

Exercises that improve blood circulation in the lower and upper limbs become very important in the third trimester of pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses and the belly grows, there may be pressure on the blood and lymphatic vessels in the pelvis, which may impair circulation in the lower limbs.

For most women, they are typical in the 3rd trimester swelling of calves and feet. Some pregnant women may experience varicose veins in the lower limbs and unpleasant cramps in the calves. Hand swelling is also common. Fortunately, these symptoms disappear within a few weeks after giving birth.

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Pregnant women can try to cope with typical pregnancy ailments on their own. Considering resting with your legs elevated and doing simple third-trimester exercises, such as foot and hand circulation, and having your feet and calves massaged by another person, can help relieve swelling and pain. It is also recommended to wear comfortable shoes with a flat sole. Despite the occurrence of edema, it is important not to limit water intake.

Exercises and last weeks 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the last four weeks of pregnancy, women are recommended to rest more and use relaxation positions. The intensity of exercise during this period can be adjusted to individual needs and well-being. What exercises will be performed and in what form should depend on the woman's personal comfort and preferences.

The fear of childbirth that often accompanies a woman can be reduced by discussing the stages of childbirth with her step by step and setting an early action plan, e.g. which hospital and how to get there.

Listening to your favorite music in relaxing positions can be one way to calm down for some women. The above actions will help the future mother prepare mentally and emotionally for childbirth.


Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

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