Physical activity and exercise during pregnancy: 2st trimester

April 6 2023

The second trimester begins in the 14th week and lasts until the 27th week of pregnancy. The beginning of the second trimester means that the expectant mother has She was already one third of the pregnancy behind her and was able to adapt to the first changes related to her development. Pregnancy in the second trimester is more stable than in the first. Therefore, in women whose development is physiological, it will be possible to gradually increase the scope and intensity of exercises.

The article will discuss what physical activity and exercises women can do in the second trimester of pregnancy and why antenatal classes are important for women expecting a child.

Changes in the female body pregnant: 2nd trimester

Many women experience improved well-being during the second trimester of pregnancy. Nausea, persistent fatigue and drowsiness disappear. Appears willingness to act and greater commitment to being physically active. 

While the end of the first trimester can be a relief, some women may still experience various health challenges in the second trimester. During this period, other troublesome ailments may appear, which may worsen the future mother's well-being.

The most common ailments pregnant: 2nd trimester

The most common ailments in the second trimester of pregnancy include:

  • dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system;
  • increased urinary urgency;
  • swelling, fatigue and pain in the lower limbs;
  • possible appearance of gestational diabetes;
  • mood swings.

The above-mentioned ailments are not a contraindication to physical exercise. On the contrary, physical exercise in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy will have an impact reducing the occurrence of these ailments and their milder course. Especially when the future mother performed exercises already in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Physical activity and exercises movement pregnant: 2nd trimester

Exercises for pregnant women, planned for the 2nd trimester, should mainly focus on: alleviating the symptoms typical of this trimester. Also, all exercises that are recommended in the first trimester can be continued in the second trimester.

Exercises in the 2st trimester of pregnancy include: 

  • shaping the correct body posture;
  • increasing the range of mobility of the spine and hip joints;
  • activation of various muscle groups, including those involved in childbirth;
  • pelvic floor muscle exercises;
  •  improving the blood supply to the lower and upper limbs;
  • learning diaphragmatic breathing;
  • learning relaxation techniques.

Exercises in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be performed with greater intensity and frequency than in the first trimester. The intensity of exercises for pregnant women planned for the second trimester will depend on the woman's general physical condition, her well-being and her activity in the first trimester.

The best indicator evaluating exercise intensity is the heart rate, which should not exceed 120 beats/min, and in trained women 140 beats/min.

positions exercise performed pregnant: 2nd trimester

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Exercises are allowed in all positions except lying on the stomach. Exercises in the second trimester of pregnancy in standing positions and lying on your back are not contraindicated, but we try to shorten the time of exercising in these positions. There are also greater opportunities for physical activity than in the first trimester. Activities such as Nordic Walking, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, and stationary cycling are safe and can make future mothers feel good.

Women who, due to poor health in the first trimester, have limited their physical activity to a minimum, should do so consult your pregnancy doctorto determine the possibilities of resuming exercise and possible contraindications.

Second trimester pregnancy and the pains joint and muscular

Pregnant women are most affected by symptoms related to dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system, although the intensity of these symptoms may vary. The growing fetus and the enlarging uterus, which reaches the navel around the 22nd week, as well as the gradual increase in body weight, cause moving the center of gravity forward. 

During pregnancy, as the belly grows, a natural change in posture may occur, with a bending of the spine in the lumbar section, known as hyperlordosis. This posture causes increased tension of the short muscles in the sacrolumbar section and promotes pain.

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

As a result of hormonal changes, and more specifically the action of the hormone relaxin secreted by the placenta, the flexibility of joints and ligaments increases, mainly in the pelvis and spine. This loosening of the ligaments is necessary for the growing pregnancy and future childbirth, but at the same time it can increase pain in the musculoskeletal system.

Exercises in pregnancy relieving back pain: 2nd trimester

One of the most common symptoms reported by pregnant women is spine pain, and above all its lower section. Maintaining proper body posture is one of the basic ways that can help prevent back pain. If a pregnant woman used exercises that shaped the correct posture reflex in the first trimester of pregnancy, she will now feel their positive effects in the form of reducing spine pain.

Exercises for pregnant women for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy that shape the reflex correct posture, they still play a very important role. We try to control our posture in various everyday situations. How to do it?

When walking, sitting, or performing household or professional activities, we straighten and lengthen our spine towards the ceiling, as if we wanted to touch it with the top of our head. It is good to do such exercises several times a day in combination with breathing exercises.

Exercises on the ball during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

You can use the popular one for exercise therapy ball. Exercise balls for pregnant women have versatile uses. Ball exercises during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be used, among others, for:

  • shaping correct posture;
  • rolling tense muscles;
  • strengthening individual muscle groups.

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Anna Milewska

Senior specialist in the Department of Assessment and Cooperation Development, Institute of Mother and Child

What to do exercises on a ball during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The simplest exercise for pregnant women using a ball is: sit astride the ball, where we lengthen the spine by pointing the top of the head towards the ceiling. In this position, we raise our arms up front and/or sideways while inhaling and return with a prolonged exhalation. If you do not have a ball, the exercise can be performed sitting astride a stool or chair.

 Exercises in pregnancy and persistent back pain: 2nd trimester     

In a situation where the pain in the spine persists, despite the exercises used, and is so big that it has impact on the deterioration of the woman's quality of life, then it is best to visit a physiotherapy office. Fortunately, there are many techniques available for pregnant women suffering from musculoskeletal pain.

Most often, physiotherapists choose manual techniques, myofascial techniques, impact on pain trigger points. It works very well kinesio taping, i.e. dynamic slicing using special slices.

Exercises for pregnant women aktliving various muscle groups: 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, exercises of the muscles of the lower limbs and those involved in childbirth, i.e. the buttocks, abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles, play a special role. They are good for activating the gluteal muscles and lower limbs half squats.

In the 2nd trimester, pregnant women can perform half-squats while standing with their backs to the wall slightly apart and resting their backs against the wall, or standing facing the table top and resting their hands on the table top. We perform a half-squat with a straight back. We try to stay in a half-squat min. 3 sec. 

In the case of half squats against the wall, the back during the exercise they slide himself along the wall. This forces us to keep our back straight while relieving the spine. Additionally, to strengthen the gluteal muscles, you can tighten them, i.e. the so-called squeezing the buttocks. We perform exercises in various positions, about 30 repetitions, several times a day. You can also swing the lower limbs in the propped-up kneeling position (fours position).

Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Regularly performing exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks will reduce problems in the later stages of pregnancy, e.g. getting up from a chair or a low bed.

 Exercises abdominal muscles Pregnant: 2nd trimester

Strong abdominal muscles are important both during childbirth and for maintaining proper body posture during pregnancy. As the belly grows, the muscle fibers stretch. Women who had less developed abdominal muscles before pregnancy may experience more stretching and sagging of them, which increases the risk of diastasis recti. Strengthening these muscles before and during pregnancy can help reduce these types of problems.

Pregnancy is not a good time for classic abdominal muscle training. However, pregnant women in the second trimester can exercise simple exercises, which will allow you to maintain proper flexibility of the abdominal muscles. Such exercises for pregnant women planned for the 2nd trimester will be important in preparing the abdominal press for childbirth.

Examples of exercises for pregnant women to improve the flexibility of the abdominal muscles: 

  • lying on your back, knees bent, feet resting on the ground - we extend the knee joint, working once the right leg, once the left;
  •  in the same position, we turn the knees to the right and left;
  • abdominal muscles can also be exercised on a therapy ball.
Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

We encourage mainly people who have experience in using them to exercise on a ball in the second trimester of pregnancy. For those without experience, it is recommended to seek instruction from a physiotherapist. It is important that all pregnant women avoid sitting directly from a supine position to minimize the risk of discomfort or injury.

So how do we get up from lying down? First of all, every pregnant woman should learn the so-called getting up sideways. The technique of getting up sideways will remain in force until the end of the postpartum period.

Pregnancy exercisesand problems z swelling, fatigue and godlem lower limbs: 2nd trimester

As pregnancy progresses and body weight increases at the end of the second trimester, the lower limbs, especially the feet, may become significantly overload. This can lead to fatigue and pain in the calves and feet. Some pregnant women may also experience slight swelling around their ankles.

Comfortable flat-heeled shoes, physical activity, avoiding sitting for long periods with your knees bent strongly, and resting in a lying position with your legs elevated will help reduce swelling and pain in your feet. A second person foot massage and simple foot exercises also work very well.

 Exercises respiratory for pregnant women: 2nd trimester

Breathing exercises have a double meaning for women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. On the one hand, they influence better oxygenation of the mother and child's body, on the other hand prepare for childbirth by learning appropriate breathing techniques and their skillful use depending on the stage of labor.

A pregnant woman in the second trimester of pregnancy can perform breathing exercises that improve oxygenation of the mother and child at home or, for example, while walking in the park. The future mother will learn breathing techniques used during childbirth, as well as activating the abdominal pump on exhalation, at the antenatal school.

Exercises for pregnant asbirthing school

They begin between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy classes at the antenatal school. The concept of antenatal school is very broad. This is not only about preparing a woman for childbirth, but above all about preparing her to consciously and fully actively participate in childbirth.

Classes at the childbirth school cover various issues, most often concerning the course of childbirth and puerperium, breastfeeding and newborn care.

They are an integral part of antenatal classes gymnastic exercises containing breathing and relaxation exercises that increase the flexibility of the perineum and pelvic floor muscles. Pregnant women who have no medical contraindications to physical activity, especially those who have not previously engaged in regular exercise, should consider participation in antenatal classes. These classes offer useful information and techniques to prepare for childbirth and newborn care.



Teresa Orlik

Physiotherapy specialist, Head of the Therapeutic Improvement Department, Institute of Mother and Child

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