Odor tolerance in pregnancy

16 March 2022

Hypersensitivity to odors in pregnancy - why does it occur and is it safe for mother and baby? Can the aversion to meat in pregnancy lead to nutrient deficiencies? Sensitivity to odors in pregnancy - since when does it occur and how long does it usually disappear? In this post, we explain the causes of olfactory hypersensitivity in pregnant women and suggest how to deal with it effectively.

Sensitivity to smells in pregnancy: since when does it occur and how soon can you expect to smell normal again?

Do you open the fridge and back away in disgust, overwhelmed by the excess of unpleasant smells despite the fact that there are no spoiled products in it? The smell of your favorite food causes nausea, making it impossible to calmly prepare and eat a meal? Or maybe the smell of your beloved perfume makes your head ache and vomit in a second?

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

More or less severe hypersensitivity to smells in pregnancy affects even 50-90% of pregnant women and is often one of the first signs that a woman is expecting a baby. It teases pregnant women the most at the very beginning of pregnancy, gradually subsiding in the second trimester. Sometimes odor sensitivity persists for the full period of 9 months, and sometimes also right after birth. In some pregnant women, the hypersensitivity to smell is very little or not at all - it is a very individual matter.

Loss of smell in pregnancy it is much less common than hypersensitivity to certain fragrances. Its cause may be, among others:

  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses;
  • acute rhinitis caused by an infection or allergy;
  • enlargement of the lining of the nose and sinuses (called polyps).

Currently, in the event of loss of smell, COVID-19 infection should also be ruled out. It is worth consulting a doctor who, by referring a pregnant woman to appropriate tests, will be able to diagnose the cause of loss of smell in pregnancy and implement appropriate treatment.

Hypersensitivity to odors in pregnancy: why does it occur?

The reasons dysosomy (olfactory disorders) in pregnant women are not fully understood and most often take the form of hypersomy, that is, increased sensitivity to various odors.

Scientists are inclined to the thesis that says about changes in the hormonal economy of a pregnant woman (including increased levels of progesterone and estrogens), which may affect the formation of new neural connections in the brain, including those responsible for hypersensitivity to odors in pregnancy .

In addition, both scientists and doctors see this ailment as a protective effect inherited from our ancestors. Pregnant women most often complain about an extremely unpleasant smell of substances that may be for them potentially harmful eg .:

  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • varnishes;
  • car exhaust.

But what if the sensitivity to smells during pregnancy, from when it appeared, prevents normal functioning? When nausea and vomiting is caused by the smell of healthy, everyday products such as eggs, vegetables or meat?

Can hypersensitivity in pregnancy be dangerous?

It is perfectly normal to be more sensitive to certain smells during pregnancy and should not be alarming. About severe nausea and vomiting caused by hypersensitivity to smells in pregnancy, it is worth informing your doctor or midwife who will recommend appropriate treatment, effective in relieving nausea.

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

It is worth consulting a specialist especially when sensitivity to smells causes regular, unrestrained, persistent vomiting in the pregnant woman. They can lead to dangerous complications, such as dehydration and nutrient deficiency. In such cases, based on the interview and the results of the pregnancy tests, the doctor will be able to decide on possible hospitalization, hydration and correction of electrolyte disturbances.

Women are especially worried when she meets them An aversion to meat in pregnancy as they treat it as the main source of protein in their diet. If a pregnant woman is in doubt as to whether she is supplying herself and the baby with sufficient nutrients, it is best to seek advice from an experienced dietetics. It is also worth remembering that meat does not have to be the only source of protein in the diet. If you are disgusted with meat during pregnancy, but you are not bothered by the aroma of eggs, cheese, nuts or legumes, such as beans or chickpeas, you can enrich your diet with these healthy products to ensure that you get the right amount of protein with your food.

The good news: bothersome odor sensitivity in pregnancy doesn't usually last forever

Most specialists agree. As far as possible, you should beware of smells that cause unpleasant sensations in the pregnant woman. Sometimes it seems impossible, especially when the sensitivity to smells in pregnancy concerns a beloved pet, the smell of loved ones or the aroma of almost all food products. It is always worth informing your doctor about odor-induced nausea and vomitingwhich, by monitoring the results of tests of the pregnant woman on an ongoing basis, will be able to quickly identify potential nutrient deficiencies.

It is comforting that in most women, the hypersensitivity to smell gradually disappears in the second trimester of pregnancy, without causing major health complications. Sometimes you just have to wait this difficult period of pregnancy out. In the next paragraph you will find several ways to help you deal with this bothersome pregnancy ailment. Sensitivity to odors can lead to significant weight loss in some women during the first stage of pregnancy. Constant medical supervision, possible supplementation and the advice of an experienced dietitian will certainly prove helpful.

Effective methods for odor sensitivity in pregnancy

When hypersensitivity to smells during pregnancy is particularly painful, In the first trimester of pregnancy, shopping, cleaning the refrigerator and cooking should be entrusted to your partner, mother or friend. You can also use the services of popular dietary catering, which take into account the special culinary requirements of a pregnant woman and avoid tiring cooking.

It is advisable to inform the immediate surroundings about your sensitivity to smells during pregnancy in order to avoid close contact with irritating odors, e.g. in the workplace, if possible. Frequent airing of rooms, replacement of cosmetics with odorless ones, or resignation from using perfumes turn out to be helpful.

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

A small container with coffee beans, which have the ability to absorb and neutralize odors, may be effective in the bothersome hypersensitivity to odors in pregnancy: you can put it in the refrigerator and carry it in a bag to neutralize the unpleasant odor with the aroma of the beans in case of increased nausea. If the smell of coffee does not help (on the contrary), it is worth looking for an essential oil that will not cause headaches or nausea, e.g. lavender, mint or eucalyptus oil. Sprinkle a handkerchief or a cotton ball with a few drops of the oil, which you can always have with you. If you feel an unpleasant odor, just put your aromatic handkerchief to your nose to feel relief. We never apply essential oils directly to the skin as they can cause severe irritation. It is worth asking your midwife about the safety and correctness of using selected oils during pregnancy.

Fragrant gifts during pregnancy: is it a good idea?

Aromatherapy is often used during labor as one of the methods of non-pharmacological pain relief. Some women also use it during pregnancy as a way to relax or put themselves in a better mood. Before a pregnant woman definitely cancels the use of any fragrances in the delivery room, it is worth waiting until the third trimester to see if hypersensitivity to smells persists during pregnancy.

As we wrote above, we always use essential oils in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, after consulting your midwife or doctor. Since when sensitive to smells in pregnancy occurs in a woman, it is worth temporarily giving up buying new, fragrant candles, toilet water or creams with a strong fragrance. During this period of pregnancy, such gifts may turn out to be completely misplaced. It is worth waiting until the second or third trimester with fragrant gifts and discreetly ask the pregnant woman about her preferences beforehand.



Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

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