Meaning of the name Karolina: where does it come from, how to conjugate it, how many people have this name?

When choosing a name for a newborn child, parents face an important decision that will have a significant impact on its future identity. The name you choose will not only become part of your child's image, but may also influence how he or she is perceived by others and his or her own well-being. When searching for that perfect name, parents often search through namesakes, looking not only for inspiration, but also striving to discover the deeper meaning and rich history that individual names carry.

In this article, we will focus our attention on the name Karolina, exploring its origin and meaning. We will look at how popular this name is, and also indicate how many people are named Karolina and what character traits people with this name may have. We invite you to read to discover what makes Karolina such a unique choice for your child.

Name meaning: what does the name Karolina mean?

Karolina is a name that can be traced back to ancient times. Where does this name come from? It probably comes from a Germanic root karl, which means a free man and/ or man. For a girl, this name can symbolize freedom, independence and strength.

For centuries, Karolina has been a royal name, borne by queens and duchesses, which gives it additional dignity and nobility.

Where does the name Karolina come from?

The name Karolina has its roots in Latin culture i Germanic, being the feminine form of the name Karol. When looking for an answer to the question where the name Karolina comes from, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the popularity of this name has its origins in Western Europe to various parts of the world, taking on various variants and adaptations depending on local languages ​​and traditions.

In Poland, the name Karolina gained popularity already in the 19th century middle ages, and its charm has not diminished to this day.

Is the name Karolina considered sacred?

It's time to clear up doubts about whether the name Karolina is considered sacred?

Although the name Caroline itself is not directly associated with saints in the Catholic canon, figures with this name such as blessed Karolina Kózka, they achieved holiness through their lives and actions.

Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1987 for defending her purity and martyrdom during World War I, Karolina Kózka is a model of faith and courage. Her feast day is celebrated on November 18, which indirectly gives the name Karolina a spiritual dimension.

How many people are named Karolina?

Karolina is there one of the more popular female names in Poland, which proves its unflagging popularity over the years. According to the latest data, thousands of women in Poland have this beautiful name, making it a well-known and recognizable choice. How many people in Poland are named Karolina?

The list of female names from the PESEL register informs us that there are currently less than 300 Karolinas in Poland, and the number is exactly 000.

What is Karolina's character?

People named Karolina are often credited with traits such as: strength, determination and empathy. What character can Karolina have?

Women named Karolina are seen as people independent, full passion and with great my sparrow, which makes this name an attractive choice for parents who want their daughter to grow up to be warm but also capable of facing challenges. These positive attributes are inspiring and can help shape you strong and positive personalityand in the child.

How to change the name Karolina?

Are you wondering how to change this popular female name? The name Karolina is pronounced in a simple way, typical of the Polish language.

The variation of the name Karolina is: Karolina, Karolina, Karolina, Karolina, Karolina, Karolina, Karolino.

When is Karolina's name day?

The most popular dates when Karolina can celebrate her name day are:

  • January 27;
  • 9th May;
  • July 1;
  • July 17;
  • November 18. 

This variety of dates gives you the opportunity to choose the most suitable day for your family and friends to celebrate this special occasion together.

Popular Karolina

Many inspiring women are named Karolina, including famous figures from the world of film, music, sports and science.

In Poland, among the recognizable Karolinas we can mention:

  • Karolina Gruszka – talented theater and film actress;
  • Karolina Kowalkiewicz – a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter who has won the recognition of martial arts fans around the world with her determination and skills;
  • Karolina Pisarek – Polish model and TV personality.

Internationally, the famous Carolinas include:

  • Karolina Kurkova – a Czech supermodel and actress who gained international fame thanks to her work in the fashion industry, becoming one of the most recognizable faces on catwalks and advertising campaigns around the world;
  • Karolina Woźniacki – Danish tennis player with Polish roots.


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