The meaning of the name Amelia: where does it come from, how to conjugate it, how many people have this name?

Choosing a name for a child is an extremely important decision that affects its future identity and the way it will identify itself in the world. Parents, striving to give their offspring a name full of meaning that would reflect their dreams and hopes, often search through countless namesakes in search of that one, perfect name.

This article will be devoted to Amelia, exploring the meaning of the name, where it comes from and the reasons why parents choose this name for their daughters. We will discover whether the name Amelia is sacred, how many people have this name and the character traits that are often associated with people with this beautiful name.

Name meaning: what does the name Amelia mean?

The name Amelia, with roots in a Germanic word charity - which means: diligence and/ or action. It is a name for people full of life energy who do not consider obstacles insurmountable and boldly follow the designated path.

Amelia is a synonym of courage and steadfastness, ideally suited to people with strong character and inner strength.

What else can we reveal about the meaning of the name Amelia? This name carries with it an aura of optimism and hope. It fits perfectly with those who, in the face of difficulties, can find the light at the end of the tunnel and follow it, inspiring others with their attitude and life philosophy.

Where does the name Amelia come from?

Germanic roots names Thanks to where it comes from, Amelia is perceived as a name rich in tradition and class. The name's popularity spread from the north of Europe, gaining recognition across the continent and beyond.

Ancient Rome also had an influence on the popularity of this name, where Amelius, which is the masculine form of Amelia, was often used among aristocracy. This historical context adds additional depth to the name, combining both Germanic strength and Roman elegance.

Is the name Amelia considered sacred?

The name Amelia itself is not directly associated with any particular saint in the Catholic tradition.

When answering the question whether the name Amelia is holy, it is worth pointing out the figure of Saint Amalberga of Temse, because she is also called Saint. Amelia of Temse – if only because of the diversity of local traditions and historical translations.

How many people are named Amelia?

When wondering how many people are named Amelia, it is worth knowing that in English-speaking countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, Amelia is one of the most frequently chosen names for newborn girls. Also in Poland this name is gaining more and more recognition. How many people in Poland are named Amelia?

According to the PESEL register, the name Amelia appears on the list of female names 124 times. It appears in the registry next to the name Marzena (228 results) and Dominika (129 results).

What is Amelia's character?

The name Amelia is often associated with people about rich imagination, creativity and intellect. When wondering what Amelia's character is, it is worth knowing that it is a name for artistic souls who can look at the world from different perspectives, finding beauty and inspiration in it.

What else can we say about Amelia's character? People named Amelia often stand out communication skills and the ability to build deep, valuable relationships.

How to change the name Amelia?

How to change the name Amelia in Polish is relatively simple. However, if you are wondering what exactly the variation of the name Amelia looks like - you will find the answer below.

A variation of this name is as follows: Amelia, Amelii, Amelii, Amelia, Amelia, Amelii, Amelia!

When is Amelia's name day?

Amelia's name day is celebrated on several dates throughout the year, which gives you the opportunity to choose the most appropriate day to celebrate this event. When can Amelia celebrate her name day?

The most important dates when Amelia can celebrate her name day are January 5, March 30 and April 20.

Popular Amelie

Among famous characters with a name close to Amelia, she stands out Amelia Earhart, an American aviation pioneer whose daring journeys and indomitable spirit of adventure made her an inspiration to women around the world. Her story is a symbol of determination and finding one's own path, despite adversities.

In the context of culture, it is worth mentioning the movie "Amelia", which is considered one of the most popular French films. This charming and magical picture depicting the life of a young woman in Paris, starring Audrey Tautou, delights viewers around the world, celebrating the beauty of the simple joys of life and the meaning of love.


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