How long should my baby sleep in the crib?

21 Września 2022

Not sure if it's the right time to buy an adult bed for a children's room? Are you wondering how long your baby should sleep in a crib with rungs? Read our guide and find out when the baby sleeps in the crib and how to properly replace the crib with rungs with an ordinary bed!

Until when should the baby sleep in the crib?

It is difficult to say unequivocally when the baby should sleep in the crib because the toddler period (from 8 months of age) is a time of many changes in a child's development. In toddlers, creating the right atmosphere for sleep means helping your baby feel calm and joyful in taking the first steps towards independence. Newly discovered mobility is also a signal for parents to ensure their toddler's safety.

Justyna Hermaniuk

Psychologist at the Department of Early Psychological Intervention and the Day Rehabilitation Center for Children, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Thanks to the emerging skills for independent locomotion in a child (which occurs up to the age of 18 months), an extremely intense cognitive and emotional development takes place. Young children actively experiment in terms of thinking, start gesticulating and utter the first words that they want to share with their caregivers. The post-infancy period is an important stage of emotional development, which is associated with the occurrence of separation anxiety (fear of separation from the most important person, usually mother). The result of a responsive response to the child's needs and the developmental success of the toddler period is the achievement of self-awareness and self-knowledge in the child, as well as the developing psychological separateness.

How long should a child sleep in a crib: safety issues

Of course, a lot depends on the child's temperament. As the child becomes more and more independent, a convenient solution is a baby cot, the manufacturer of which has provided the possibility of removing several rungs - so that it can enter and leave it by itself. Remember, however, that removing elements from the cot, which does not provide such an option, may weaken its structure, threatening the toddler's safety. Some children will use this path and it will be the only way for them to leave the cozy home.

However, there are babies with more inventiveness, who may try to "climb" on the rungs, using the bottom of the cot as a cradle. When we notice such games with our child, let's think about changing the sleeping place as soon as possible to avoid an unpleasant and painful fall.

If you are wondering how long your child should sleep in the cot, we suggest that forcing the rungs can be dangerous when our child is about 90 cm tall, which is on average between 18 and 24 months of age.

The first adult bed for a child, i.e. until the baby sleeps in the crib?

If you have already made the decision to replace the crib with a bed and you know until when your child will sleep in the crib, and when it will change to an adult, it is time to plan this event. This could be a potential situation uncomfortable for the babyTherefore, it is worth making sure that it goes without additional tension.

Justyna Hermaniuk

Psychologist at the Department of Early Psychological Intervention and the Day Rehabilitation Center for Children, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

It happens that the decision to change the bed accelerates life itself, i.e. the birth of another family member. Then the older siblings "free up" space for the younger brother or sister. It is worth remembering that the change should be carried out at least a few weeks earlier, and not only after the baby's arrival from the hospital. So that the old boy does not feel that the new family member is taking his place, he "takes" something that previously belonged only to him. This will save you stress and prevent the older child from feeling rejected. In order for the change to be positive, it is best to involve the person concerned in the process of change - let them choose the color of the frame, bedspreads and pillows.

However, the change of the cot will not always be forced by the appearance of siblings. So what can be a signal that the baby is sleeping in the crib and when it is time for a new place to sleep?

When should I put my baby from crib to bed?

A baby crib with rungs is a piece of furniture that some parents use from the first days of their baby's life. How long does the baby sleep in such a crib? When is it time for a new place to sleep?

There is no rule, because every child is different, and the age ranges are contractual. The most important thing is to observe the toddler, thanks to which it will be much easier to determine when the child should sleep in the crib with the rungs. The reasons for moving a child from a crib to an adult bed are as follows:

  • the baby no longer fits into the crib, which becomes too small for him - this is a very clear signal to think about a larger bed for a child;
  • the toddler tries to climb over the top or jumps up - these are dangerous situations that may result in a fall, especially if the child is 90 cm tall;
  • the crib has no removable rungs, and the child tries to get out of it by himself.

When changing a sleeping furniture, in all these situations, it is important to ensure the safety and comfort of the child.

Until when the baby sleeps in the cot: change of the sleeping place

Do you already know when your baby should sleep in the cot and which bed model to choose? One more aspect should not be overlooked.

Justyna Hermaniuk

Psychologist at the Department of Early Psychological Intervention and the Day Rehabilitation Center for Children, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Regardless of what type of bed you choose, let's make sure that the move is a pleasure for the child, not an unpleasant necessity. Proper preparation for the change will make this process painless for both the child and the parents. 

Let's remember a few important rules:
  • Let's organize the move at the moment when the child is healthy and cheerful;
  • Do not combine this with other situations that may put your child at risk of stresssuch as withdrawal of a pacifier, appearance of siblings, departure of one of the parents, going to nursery / kindergarten, etc. During this period, let's try to make the rest of the day as stable as possible;
  • Let the child actively participate in arranging the spaceto make them feel important and appreciated. Let's give him a chance to choose bedding himself, a place for his favorite cuddly toy, bedspreads, etc .;
  • Let us not change the previous evening rituals. They provide our baby with a sense of security;
  • Let's help the child feel close to us when we are not there. You can do it with tangible objects, sounds or smells. Give your toddler a hug piece of clothing, a tetragon diaper, or even a picture of ours for him to look at.


Justyna Hermaniuk

Psychologist at the Department of Early Psychological Intervention and the Day Rehabilitation Center for Children, Institute of Mother and Child

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