Hair removal during pregnancy: what should you remember?

December 20, 2023

During pregnancy, many women wonder about a safe way to get rid of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal and pregnancy is a topic that raises many doubts. Is laser hair removal during pregnancy safe? What methods of bikini depilation are recommended for future mothers - waxing, shaving, or maybe depilatory cream during pregnancy? How to shave intimate parts during pregnancy when bikini waxing becomes very difficult for a pregnant woman? 

In response to all these doubts of future mothers, we have collected the most important information about hair removal during pregnancy.

Laser hair removal and pregnancy: I had a laser done while pregnant Could I have harmed the baby??

Laser hair removal during pregnancy is a topic that interests many future mothers who dream of... permanent removal of unwanted hair, even before the baby is born.

Although there are no clear studies confirming the risk to the fetus, most specialists recommend it refraining from laser hair removal during pregnancy. On many online forums, future mothers admit: I had a laser done while pregnant, not knowing I was expecting a baby - what should I do now? If I had a laser done while pregnant I could have harmed the baby?.

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Laser hair removal during pregnancy has not been tested for safety for pregnant women and unborn children, mainly due to ethical restrictions (this type of experiments are not performed on pregnant women). However, laser therapy is also discouraged due to the hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy and lactation.

If the mother-to-be is worried about that she had a laser done while pregnant, she shouldn't stress too much. The most important is discontinuation of further laser hair removal treatments during pregnancy. 

It is worth informing about this at your next visit to the gynecologist/midwife she had a laser done while pregnant. The specialist will certainly answer all questions regarding the risk of laser hair removal during pregnancy and will monitor the well-being of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman on an ongoing basis during each visit.

To sum up the topic: laser hair removal and pregnancy, as well as other forms of laser therapy (e.g. in the form of various cosmetic or physiotherapy treatments), is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Czy waxing during pregnancy is safe, also in case bikini waxing?

Waxing during pregnancy is considered effective and safe (although quite painful) method of getting rid of unwanted hair. It is worth remembering that the pain tolerance and sensitivity of the skin to waxing may change during pregnancy, but the risk of possible irritation and discomfort is lower in women who used waxing before getting pregnant.

Waxing during pregnancy (as well as sugaring) can be done at homeor in a professional beauty salon. 

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

You should ensure that you follow hygiene rules and, in the case of beauty salons, choose only proven ones with an impeccable reputation. To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, waxing during pregnancy is most recommended using preparations that the pregnant woman has used before. 

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy - is wax a good idea to get rid of intimate hair? Waxing during pregnancy can be performed around the intimate areas. But it is worth remembering the rules described above. 

Due to the growing belly, waxing during pregnancy in the case of bikinis is most convenient in a proven beauty salon. Remember that bikini waxing during pregnancy should be performed no later than 7 days before the expected date of delivery.

Depilatory cream during pregnancy: advantages and disadvantages of use

Depilatory cream during pregnancy one of the gentlest methods getting rid of hair because it does not pose the risk of damaging the skin (as with shaving or waxing/epilator). Depilatory creams gently dissolve the hairs that are on the surface of the skin.

Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Theoretically, there are no contraindications to using a depilatory cream during pregnancy, but the most important thing is that the woman uses a previously proven product. Depilatory cream during pregnancy may cause allergic reactions, even if the woman used it frequently before pregnancy. Therefore, before depilation, it is worth performing the so-called allergy test by applying a small portion of the preparation to the skin, e.g. around the inside of the wrist, for approx. 3-5 minutes, then wash off the product according to the instructions on the packaging.

The disadvantage of using a depilatory cream during pregnancy is its composition, which often contains many strong chemicals. Therefore, if a woman has doubts about whether she can safely use a hair removal cream during pregnancy, she should ask your gynecologist or midwife.

How to shave intimate parts during pregnancy: i.e. safe methods bikini waxing

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy is a topic that interests future mothers for several reasons. First of all, if a woman has always depilated her intimate areas, she usually does not want to give it up during pregnancy.

Secondly, bikini waxing during pregnancy is also a must for many future mothers a matter of comfort, that they want to feel, among others: during visits to the swimming pool or during gynecological examinations. However, bikini hair removal during pregnancy can be problematic, especially in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, due to the growing belly.

How to shave intimate parts during pregnancy: is it strictly required by the gynecologist and for childbirth?

When wondering how to shave intimate parts during pregnancy, it is worth remembering that bikini waxing during pregnancy is not required for gynecological examinations or vaginal delivery/cesarean section. It all depends on feeling comfort a given patient.

If a woman does not feel the need to wax her bikini line during pregnancy, she can only trim the hair slightly to length before giving birth. If we want to shave intimate parts during pregnancy, it is recommended to perform this procedure with a disposable razor and not to depilate the bikini area later than a week before the planned date of delivery.

How to shave intimate parts during pregnancy - To avoid irritations and injuries, in advanced pregnancy it is worth asking for help, e.g. from your partner, or use a small mirror to shave your bikini line under visual supervision.

If we don't know how to shave intimate parts during pregnancy and we are afraid of irritation, during pregnancy you can skip intimate hair removal or go to a proven beauty salon where we can safely perform hair removal. bikini hair removal during pregnancy.



Jagna Szulc-Kamińska

Midwife, Expert in issuing opinions on utility products at the Institute of Mother and Child

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