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The best toys for a one-year-old child: ranking


What toy is best for a one-year-old child? More and more parents choose toys very carefully in order to plan the harmonious development of their child, knowing that play and education can be combined from an early age.

Toy ranking 12m+ i recommended toys for a one-year-old child These are phrases often searched by parents on the Internet, so in today's article we have prepared a list of proven, creative toys for one-year-olds..

Recommended toys for a one-year-old child: help in improving walking and developing gross motor skills

Some babies, perhaps with a rather unsteady step, enter the second year of life with... walking ability, while other children will start walking on their own in the coming months.

According to WHO, the development window for a child to walk independently is 8-18 months, which means that in this age range, healthy children should master this skill.

Recommended toys for a one-year-old child here they encourage movement and support learning to walk independently. Thanks to this, the toddler falls less and less often and can focus on achieving new, important skills. These include: squatting and returning to a standing position, and then learning to run.

  • Ride-on: is a very popular toy for a one-year-old child who is looking for new, interesting ways to move around the house and outside. What toy - ride-on for a one-year-old child will be the best?

It's definitely worth paying attention to the ride-on was stable and it had a comfortable, but not too wide seat, which will not force the child to unnaturally spread his legs or deform his knees and feet when pushing off the ground.

  • Doll pusher or stroller: is the best toy for a one-year-old child who has already mastered the ability to walk. In the ranking of 12m+ toys, it is worth mentioning both the pusher and the doll stroller, because they combine the function of supporting the development of gross motor skills while stimulating the child's psycho-emotional development, related to, among others, with taking care of a doll in a stroller or using additional functions offered by creative pusher toys for a one-year-old child.

Just remember that the toy should be properly weighted so that it does not escape from the child while playing. Moving a properly constructed toy will require the child to engage many torso muscles, which will have a positive impact on his or her motor development.

How creative toy for a one-year-old child Will it encourage your toddler to move around?

A proven, safe toy is, for example: Educational dog "Crawl with me" by Fisher Price – which first stimulates quadrupling, and then to walking independently. With the dog, the child will also learn how to squat in order to activate the light and sound effects of the toy.

In addition to supporting motor functions, the interactive dog emits pleasant songs, a 3 learning programs they support, among others: understanding cause and effect relationships and speech development (learning colors, letters and numbers).

Recommended products

Aleksandra Swiebod

Head of the Department of Assessment and Development of Cooperation at the Institute of Mother and Child

Creative toys for a one-year-old childthat develop eye-hand coordination

Klaudia Wyszyńska

Physiotherapist at the Daily Rehabilitation Center, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

In the second year of life, the development of fine motor skills takes place through play and is reflected in increasingly precise self-service skills, including: eating independently using a spoon and fork, unscrewing lids, pouring water into a cup and drinking without spilling. 

Below we present a ranking of the best toys for children 12 months+, which not only stimulate development of eye-hand coordination, but also they teach perceptiveness and logical thinking:

  • Sorters, large puzzles and blocks: are proven toys for a one-year-old child, improving the quality of grip, improving spatial imagination, teaching observation and matching shapes and colors. Particularly recommended sorter toys for a one-year-old child are models equipped with wheels and a string, thanks to which the toddler will be able to walk around the house, happily pulling the toy behind him.
  • Interactive houses: are highly recommended in the ranking of creative toys for children 12 months+, e.g. Cheerful House of Little Explorers Little People, which teaches toddlers, among others, the names of everyday objects, greetings, colors, letters and numbers.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a creative toy for a one-year-old child?

Klaudia Wyszyńska

Physiotherapist at the Daily Rehabilitation Center, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

What is most important is the quality of the product. Little hands love hitting, tugging and manipulating all the elements of toys. Therefore, when looking for the best toys for a one-year-old child, remember that they are made only of durable materials and do not contain elements that are easy to swallow. The emitted sound and light effects should not be tiring or too intense for the child to avoid overstimulating the sensitive nervous system. 

Creative, interactive toys for a one-year-old child, e.g. positively reviewed by IMiD experts Cheerful House of Little Explorers Little People Fisher Price products are not only fun and educational, but above all, they are for children completely safe.

Proven toys for a one-year-old childthat support speech development

The presence of a parent who will show the child various objects and phenomena every day and name them is invaluable in the development of speech. It is also important to encourage your toddler to repeat the sounds and words he hears, e.g. imitating animal sounds.

Interestingly, they can also fulfill this function properly selected toys. What toy for a one-year-old child will support learning to understand speech and speak independently?

Educational toys:

The best creative toys for a one-year-old child teach the names of objects, colors, letters and numbers, encouraging your toddler to repeat them.

In the development of speech, proven, interactive toys for a one-year-old child fulfill educational functions perfectly, while providing the baby with a lot of joy and long quarters of carefree play.

A recommended, safe interactive toy for a one-year-old child that has received a Positive Opinion from the Institute of Mother and Child is, for example: Toddler's tablet "Learn and laugh!" Fisher Price brand. The product encourages the child to interact and learn many new words and songs. Three levels of learning: discovery, encouraged and imitation allow parents to tailor educational content to the child's current developmental needs.


Various types of toys are most recommended for children aged 12 months+ in the rankings books they always rank high.

Klaudia Wyszyńska

Physiotherapist at the Daily Rehabilitation Center, Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

A one-year-old child should have very important skills. This includes: pointing at objects with a finger, maintaining eye contact and following the object you are pointing with your eyes. A toddler who has mastered these key skills is ready to learn speech and understand advanced cause and effect relationships. Reading books together is a great way to develop these skills.

What toy is best for a one-year-old child? We hope that our ranking of toys for babies 12m+ will make it easier for parents to make a choice. 

Medical consultation

Klaudia Wyszyńska

Physiotherapist at the Daily Rehabilitation Center, Institute of Mother and Child

EU funding
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