New Year's Eve games for children

December 29, 2023

Certainly, each of us remembers how many positive emotions and excitement were evoked in us by the end of the calendar year, during our childhood. The very fact that the youngest take this type of holiday very seriously should encourage us to organize something special for our children for this occasion.

The world perceived through the eyes of a child consists of a thousand colors and shapes. New Year's Eve is therefore the perfect event to let your imagination run wild and for a moment - along with our children - to get carried away by this joyful atmosphere. Of course, keeping within reason and keeping all safety rules for organizing New Year's Eve parties for children.

Fun for New Year's Eve at home: where to start?

Let's start with the fact that the house where we stay with our child every day, during the New Year's Eve celebration, should undergo a magical transformation. Ideally, in this part of the project, we should be accompanied by children, for whom help in preparing decorations can be a great introduction to later games and activities on New Year's Eve. At the same time, little ones can build a sense of responsibility for themselves assistance in the implementation of the New Year's Eve event.

In order to properly approach the matter, it is worth preparing at the very beginning New Years Eve party planwhich will contain both ideas and inspirations for games for New Year's Eve for children, as well as define an initial shopping list that may be useful in the implementation of the project. For such a plan, it is worth making an additional schedule of planned activities and games for New Year's Eve at home so as to minimize the risk of missing something and at the same time define both the beginning and the end of the event. In the perspective of our kids' New Year's Eve madness, such a plan may turn out to be invaluable.

Fun for New Year's Eve for children: from ideas to implementation

Remember, as a parent, you are the main one organizer this event and it is mostly up to you how you plan the evening and what fun you will prepare for the New Year's Eve. However, you can make your children perfect helpers.

Shopping madness

A shopping trip will be necessary to make this New Year's Eve visions come true. With a well thought out shopping list it will certainly be easier for you. The possibilities that the stores offer us today are endless. Try to get eye-catching decorations, but when choosing them, remember to use proven stores where the products are of good quality. You can choose ready-made decorations or buy elements from which you can create your own decorations together with your children. Costumes for ballers will also be a great complement. Pay attention to safety. Check that the purchased materials are not toxic to children, and that the decorative elements will not pose a potential risk of ingestion by the youngest.

Recommended products

Anna Milewska

Senior specialist in the Department of Assessment and Cooperation Development, Institute of Mother and Child

Do it yourself

For self-preparation, for example, invitations to New Year's Eve fun, or masks or hats. Hand-made decorations will give the event a personal touch and will surely bring the children a lot of fun. The possibility of personalizing accessories will encourage the toddler to fully engage in New Year's Eve games for children.

Home catering

An interesting idea may also be to help the youngest in preparing snacks, which will not only encourage children to culinary experiments, but also develop their manual skills. Make sure there are snacks colorful and healthy, but also full-bodied and divisible - so that eating them would not be difficult for children. Compositions made of fruit and vegetables, as well as small sandwiches, are perfect for this purpose. Also, don't forget to keep your children well-hydrated. A well-composed menu is the key to success when playing on New Year's Eve for children.

Is everything going according to plan?

When planning a New Year's Eve party, it is also important to have an appropriate space that will ensure safety during New Year's Eve games for children, and will give adults the opportunity to properly control little ballers. Secure your equipment properlyor protruding or sharp elements in the room, so that nothing would pose a direct threat to the kids during the planned New Year's Eve games at home.

Aleksandra Swiebod

Head of the Department of Assessment and Development of Cooperation at the Institute of Mother and Child

The expert advises:

Depending on the age of the children - decide whether your regular, control visits to the room will be enough, or whether you will need a permanent the presence of an adult. It may also be a good idea to invite an animator who will take care of the interesting course of the event. If any of the parents of the invited children expresses their will to participate in the game - it is also worth considering such a scenario. We will then get an extra pair of eyes and hands to help and moderate the event, and at the same time nice company during the New Year's Eve.

Games and activities for New Year's Eve: ideas and inspiration

When the space is properly prepared and the snacks are waiting to be served, it's high time to start the real part of the party, which is: games and activities for New Year's Eve. Remember that the key to having fun in your home space isn't just about having access to a TV or playing your favorite music. Of course, these are the elements that should be taken care of. However, the key to success will be properly selected games and activities they will integrate the children togethergiving them a chance to bond closely. Here are some inspirations.

Fun with balloons

Children should form pairs. Each pair receives a balloon. The little ones line up opposite each other and place the balloon between them, optimally - at the level of their bellies, and in the more difficult option - between their faces. Children holding hands should start to dance with the balloon in such a position to the rhythm of the music. The winner is the pair that does not escape the balloon.

Treasure hunt

A great alternative to playing hide and seek or playing "warm - cold". In this version, we hide an item in the house. Then, we give the children a prepared map with tips on how to get to the treasure. A very engaging version of this game is entrusting children to make such maps on their own.

We can also hide sweets at home and organize a competition. The child who finds the most treasures wins.

Building a base

One of the favorite children's games. If we are not afraid of order in the apartment, we can prepare blankets, pillows and other elements for the construction of a hiding place for the children to play in the rest of the evening.

First come first served

This game will introduce a spirit of competition. If we have the right amount of pillows, in relation to children willing to play, let us spread them on the floor. Children should walk around the pillows to the rhythm of the music, and when the music stops playing - the toddler should sit on the pillow. There is always a single player pillow missing in the game. A child that does not sit on the pillow is gone. During the fun, it is worth controlling the mood of the little ones. So that competition is only an element of healthy fun, and leaving the game - a reason to laugh.

Deaf phone

Everyone knows this game for sure. It can be a great way to integrate all the guests of the New Year's Eve party. The age of the participants is irrelevant here. The key is to come up with an appropriate password that we pass on to each other's ear. If the last person says the password correctly, he or she gets to the top of the queue and as a reward comes up with another password.

If we are afraid of the excessive physical activity of the toddlers, we can always think about stocking up on a few board games, with which the children will certainly be just as eager to spend time. When planning games and activities for New Year's Eve, remember to activities should be selected according to the age and number of children.

All the good things come to an end quickly - including New Year's Eve games at home

Remember to plan as well end of the party. Even the best New Year's Eve games for kids should end at the right time. It seems that the perfect culmination of the evening will be a common countdown to midnight, followed by the observation of fireworks - in the safest version, i.e. through the window, under the watchful eye of adults. Remember that watching firecrackers in the air is a significant risk, especially when we have more than one child under our care. Hence, we recommend the screening from a safe distance (preferably from the perspective of the house window).


Aleksandra Swiebod

Head of the Department of Assessment and Development of Cooperation at the Institute of Mother and Child

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